What is huipil?

What Does huipil Mean

The notion of huipil comes from the Nahuatl huipilli . Also accepted as güipil and referred to as hipil in some areas, it is an article of clothing that is characteristic in indigenous dress from various regions.

A huipil is a dress or blouse used by women of native peoples in countries such as Mexico , Guatemala , Honduras and El Salvador . Of pre-Hispanic origin, this clothing that stands out for its ornaments is part of the aboriginal traditions and continues to be used today.

Each huipil can have different embroidery . There are huipiles with figures of animals and plants and others that represent people. There are also those with geometric motifs.
The different communities confer their own symbolism to the huipil. In general, some huipiles are intended for everyday use, while certain models are worn at special events. The woman can wear a specific huipil at her wedding, to mention one case.
Although the characteristics of the huipiles are highly variable, the most common are white with embroidery on the sleeves and collars. These dresses , which are sewn on the sides, have one opening for the head and another two for the arms.
In El Salvador , on the other hand, the concept of huipil is also used to refer to a skirt or petticoat worn by women of indigenous ethnic groups. Its preparation is usually carried out on looms .
It is important not to confuse huipil with Huépil . This is the name of a city that is the capital of the Tucapel commune , in the Bío-Bío Region ( Chile ).

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