What is emporium?

What Does emporium Mean

The etymology of emporio brings us to the Latin emporĭum , in turn derived from the Greek empórion . This word from the Hellenic language refers to a market that is established in a foreign territory .

The first meaning of emporium mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), in this framework, refers to the site that brings together people from different countries to trade .
Currently the notion of emporium is used in various ways. An emporium can be a store of large where you can buy many kinds of products, especially those who are home.

The idea of ​​emporium also refers to a flourishing company or business group : that is, prosperous. A site that stands out for the growth of its trade or for the expansion of its art or science can also be named as an emporium.
For example: "The American tycoon created a fast food emporium when he was barely 20 years old" , "The Italian city was a cultural emporium during the Middle Ages" , "Nobody expected that a technological emporium of such magnitude would collapse so quickly" .
At a general level, it can be said that something that advances, enlarges or evolves with great speed or without pause is an emporium, even if that development is negative . Suppose that a president sets aside the Constitution and the Judiciary intervenes to negotiate and allow him and his friends to enrich themselves illegally. Faced with this reality, journalists describe the nation as an emporium of corruption .

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