What is worthy?

What Does worthy Mean

In order to know the meaning of the meritorious term, the first thing to do is discover its etymological origin. In this case we can state that it is a word of Latin origin. Exactly it derives from “benemeritus”, which can be translated as “what has deserved good”, and which is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts:

-The adverb “bene”, which is equivalent to “good”.

-The adjective “meritus”, which means “worthy”. A word that comes, in turn, from the verb "mereri", which is synonymous with "deserve", "earn" or "become worthy."

Benemérito is an adjective that is used to qualify that or that which is worthy of a distinction . The worthy is worthy of being rewarded or awarded .
For example: "The Meritorious Volunteer Fire Department announced the holding of a popular party with the aim of raising funds for the purchase of equipment" , "The conference will take place tomorrow at the Aula Magna of the Meritorious Popular University of Río Azul" , "Juan Rafael Mora Porras is one of the Beneméritos of the Homeland of Costa Rica . "

In Spain , the Civil Guard , a security force of a military nature , is known as the Benemérita . La Benemérita has the function of guaranteeing the exercise of the freedoms and rights of Spanish citizens and of providing security in the national territory.
It was during the reign of Elizabeth II that the Civil Guard corps was put into operation, which, at first, had a team of 5,769 agents, 232 officers and 14 chiefs. To all this we must add that, to pay homage to the armies of the Habsburgs, they were made up of a total of fourteen thirds.
Founded in 1844 , the Civil Guard began to be known as the Benemérita after obtaining the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Beneficence . This concession took place in 1929 by means of a Royal Decree in recognition of its services to assist the population.
The Mexican Benito Juárez , president of his country between 1857 and 1872 , is called Benemérito de las Américas for the admiration that all the peoples of the continent showed him for his political work.
In Costa Rica , finally, the Legislature may grant the distinction of Meritorious of the Patria to people and institutions that stand out for their contributions to society.
This honor that is given in Costa Rica can be granted and has been granted to people, institutions or organizations that stand out in the national arts, education, culture and art, science and technology ... That without forgetting that it can also be give to defenders of freedom, as would be the case of Pablo Presbere, and even to honorable citizens. Among the latter, there are some figures who have received this distinction, such as the President of the United States John F. Kennedy, the Spanish priest Juan Morera Coll, the astronaut Franklin Ramón Chang Diaz or the doctor Arturo López Romero, among others.

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