What is walking pneumonia?

Walking pneumonia or atypical pneumonia is a mild form of pneumonia characterized by a relatively good state of health on the part of the patient. In fact, most cases of walking pneumonia will resolve on their own if left untreated, and sometimes doctors allow it. Treatments are available for long-term cases, or cases that appear more severe without treatment, such as infections in people with compromised immune systems.

The most common cause of walking pneumonia is a bacteria known as Mycoplasma pneumoniae , although walking pneumonia can also be of viral origin. The condition is caused by an inflammation of the lungs that causes the sufferer to experience a bad cough, often combined with a fever, stomach pains, and sometimes chills or aches and pains. It usually takes one to three weeks from the start of the infection for walking pneumonia to emerge.

When someone has a case of walking pneumonia, they usually feel well enough to move around, feeling listless. Many people are not even aware that they have pneumonia, as their immune systems successfully fight the bacteria on their own. However, people are still contagious whether or not they know they have ongoing pneumonia, so they can spread the bacteria to others.

Walking pneumonia can become a problem in someone with asthma or other lung conditions, as the inflammation can exacerbate breathing and lung problems. In these individuals, treatment is strongly recommended, and antibiotics are usually prescribed to kill the bacteria, along with bronchodilators to keep the bronchial tubes clear, ensuring the patient does not have difficulty breathing. Antibiotics may also be given to patients with persistent cases of walking pneumonia.

Some doctors feel that this infection should run its course, as overuse of antibiotics can be dangerous. Patients are generally encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, eat well, and exercise if possible to stimulate and support the immune system. They may also be advised to stay away from people with compromised immune systems.

Some measures can be used to prevent a case of walking pneumonia, such as washing hands, making sure people cover their mouths while coughing, and eating well to keep the body healthy. These measures will also go a long way in preventing other sources of bacterial and viral infection.

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