What is vile?

What Does vile Mean

The first thing we are going to do in order to determine the meaning of the term vile is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it derives from Latin, specifically from the word "vilis", which can be translated as "of little value" or "despicable".

This adjective allows to qualify what is mean, ignominious or dishonorable . For example: “In a vile measure, the employer decided to fire all the workers one day before Christmas” , “That is a vile lie! I never did anything to harm you " , " Since he assumed the presidency, he always showed a vile behavior . "
The concept is often used to qualify behaviors or actions that are despicable . A terrorist attack that leaves a hundred dead can be classified as a "vile attack" , to cite one possibility. A financial move made by a millionaire to evade taxes, in this sense, can be referred to as a "vile maneuver" to not pay what corresponds to the treasury.

Vil can also be applied to people when they demonstrate a behavior or action that is harmful to others . A man who mistreats animals, pollutes the environment and treats children with contempt can be referred to as a "vile individual" .
Cruella de Vil , on the other hand, is the name of the villain in "101 Dalmatians" , a novel written by Dodie Smith that had multiple television and film adaptations. Cruella is an evil woman who is obsessed with having coats made from animal skin .
According to the story devised by Smith , Cruella de Vil tries to catch the puppies of Pongo and Perdita , two Dalmatian dogs. His intention is to create a coat with the fur of dogs. With the help of some criminals, he manages to kidnap the puppies, although his plans are finally frustrated.
This character is considered one of the most emblematic and despicable villains in literature and also in cinema. And we cannot forget that Cruella de Vil was one of the main characters in the different films that have been made around her and the Dalmatians.

Specifically, among the most significant films in this regard, we find the following:

- “101 Dalmatians”. It was the film that the Disney company presented with great success in 1961, becoming one of the classics of his career.

- "101 Dalmatians II: an adventure in London". It was released in 2003 and is considered to be the continuation of the previous one. In it, the perfidious and vile Cruella continues determined to kidnap those dogs in order to make the coat she has always dreamed of.

- "101 Dalmatians on vacation." It was a 1998 cartoon movie that didn't hit theaters, it was shown directly on VHS.

-"101 Dalmatians; More alive than ever! ”. It is a film with real actors, not cartoons. It dates from 1996 and was made by Disney who chose the great actress Glenn Close as the perfect Cruella de Vil. He also played this role which he reprized in the sequel "102 Dalmatians."

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