What is vigor?

What Does vigor Mean

In Latin it is where we can establish that the etymological origin of the term vigor is found, which we are now dealing with. Specifically, it emanates from the sum of two clearly delimited parts: the verb endure , which can be translated as "being in full life", and the suffix - or , which is equivalent to "result."

Vigor is the remarkable force or activity . Something that is done with vigor is done with a special impetus . Vigorous people are those who have a lot of energy or who act with spirit.
For example: "The defendant defended himself vigorously in court" , "Bobby is an old dog, he no longer has the vigor of yesteryear" , "If you want to have more vigor, you must implement a healthier diet" , "I am amazed by the vigor that grandfather still has at 92 years of age ” .

Another use of the term is related to the duration of the styles or customs , and to the force of binding in the laws and ordinances: "The measure will take effect as of its publication in the official gazette" , "Sorry, but said coupon is no longer valid ” , “ I have to hurry to buy the tickets so I take advantage of the fact that the promotion is still in force ” .
Within the legislative field, as we can see thanks to this meaning, the term vigor acquires great value since it is he who dictates when any law or regulation begins to function. Thus, for example, we find the Civil Code of Spain where it is made clear that the laws will come into force twenty days after their corresponding publication in the BOE (Official State Gazette).
The energetic intonation or expression in literary or artistic works is also known as vigor: “I'm going to kill that man! - Lieutenant López exclaimed vigorously just before drawing his pistol and firing " , " I assure you that I am innocent, you must believe me - he whispered without vigor before closing his eyes . "
Vigor is also related to sexual potency and the ability of a man to satisfy his partner and to maintain long-term or frequent relationships. Lack of vigor, in this sense, is associated with a masculinity problem.
Being overweight, a significant level of work stress, a stage of sentimental or emotional problems, disorders such as depression or the intake of certain medications, which act as treatments for other pathologies, are some of the most frequent causes that lead a man to lose the sexual vigor you had.
However, monotony in the couple or not having any kind of sexual expectation with whom one has a relationship also become common causes.
There are various medications and natural products that help increase vigor. Thus, for example, among the ecological and natural remedies that exist to get men to regain, maintain or increase their sexual vigor would be pollen and also honey. All this without forgetting watermelon either, which, thanks to its high concentration of citrulline, has become the natural alternative to the well-known Viagra.

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