What Does viewfinder Mean
Viewer is the name given to the device that allows focusing one camera for photos or set the aim of a firearm . For example: “Look at the viewfinder if all the models in the image appear” , “I didn't have time to look at the viewfinder: I just took the camera and started shooting” , “The sniper was immobile for two hours, looking through the viewfinder with finger on trigger ” .
In the field of photography , the viewfinder contributes to the framing of the visual field . It is a frame or screen that the photographer can observe to have an approximation to the result of the shot.
The cameras can have an electronic viewfinder a display screen a reflex viewfinder an optical viewfinder or viewfinder frame . Digital cameras, very popular since the arrival of the 21st century , usually have an electronic viewfinder, which is a screen that shows the photo.
Of course, it should not be forgotten that helmets used for riding a motorcycle also have a visor. The main function of it is, in addition to allowing the driver to see, to ensure that their eyes cannot be damaged for any reason. That is to say, it prevents them from affecting specks of dust to insects through any other adverse element.
Precisely because of the important function it performs, it is essential to keep the viewfinder in perfect condition. And that means both washing it frequently, with soap and water, and avoiding leaving it anywhere on the helmet in order to avoid scratches.
By extension, it is known as a viewer to various devices that, in household appliances and other machines, display information of interest to the user. The display of a microwave oven, to name a case, can display the time, cooking time and power.
In the field of weapons , the idea of the scope is linked to the concept of sight : a piece that serves to refine the aim. There are weapons that have a telescopic viewfinder to increase the size of the objective that is focused, a particularity that helps the shooter to have greater precision at long distances.
In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of Visor Libros, which is the name of a publishing house with more than four decades of work behind it. It is an entity that is specialized in poetry and that has collections as important as those that revolve around the Nobel Prize winner Juan Ramón Jiménez or Mario Benedetti, among others.
In addition, we also have to point out the existence of what is called a cartographic viewer. Basically we can say that it is a web resource that exists in Spain and that it is in charge of offering the data related to the Urban Information System (SIU). Thanks to it, any citizen can access those that have to do with the maps of the country in different areas and at different levels.