What Does vicissitudes Mean
Vicissitudes is the plural of vicissitude , a term derived from the Latin word vicissitūdo . According to the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary, it is the disjunctive or periodic order of something .
The notion is also used to name the alternation that occurs between positive and negative events over time . The vicissitudes, in this sense, are facts or events that can generate different considerations or evaluations.
It is known as vicissitudes to the alternating succession of positive and negative events as time passes.
The vicissitudes of life and sport
When someone refers to the "vicissitudes of life" , they will be referring to different circumstances that they had to go through. This idea of vicissitudes includes happy moments, such as the birth of a child, a dream trip, the purchase of a house or a professional success, but also sad events such as the death of a loved one, a sentimental failure, a financial setback or job layoff. Life, therefore, is made up of vicissitudes of various kinds, many of which cannot be foreseen.
Following this reasoning, the vicissitudes are linked to what many understand as destiny . Throughout life, every person goes through vicissitudes that appear suddenly: a sudden illness, falling in love with someone they met at a party, a traffic accident, etc. The vicissitudes, in general, are out of the control of the subject.
In sports , we often speak of vicissitudes to name the different moments of a competition or a career : "The American driver successfully went through all the vicissitudes of the Dakar Rally . "
The variables that affect a job can be mentioned as work vicissitudes.
The notion in labor relations
In every labor relationship there are a series of aspects that are often implicit, since they are not discussed at the beginning of the collaboration, but they are the foundations on which the work is developed. Some of these agreements take into account the opinions of the worker, while others are unilateral and are decided exclusively by the company. Let's look at some of the labor vicissitudes below
* functional mobility : this is the possibility that the employer has to modify the functions of its workers, as long as they do not exceed certain logical limits and conflict with the conditions expressed in their contracts. Ordinary changes keep them in the same category, while extraordinary changes can make them go up or down considerably, although the company must justify them technically and economically;
* geographical mobility : the power that an employer has to change the geographical location of its employees, even when they must move to their home address. In this context, we speak of transfer , when the modification lasts more than one year throughout the three years from the decision-making, or of displacement , for all other cases;
* substantial changes in working conditions : as long as the objective is to improve the operation of the company, the employer has the right to make profound changes in working conditions. This can negatively affect workers, such as when they are demoted, although the law requires that they be notified in advance so that they have the option of accepting or looking for another job;
* Swaps : it is the agreement to exchange jobs that two employees of the same company can carry out , provided that they have the approval of their superiors and that there is no harm to third parties. Within the labor vicissitudes, this is one of the least common;
* suspension of the contract : when an employee ceases his activities without pay for a limited period of time, either of his own free will, such as to receive academic training, or due to force majeure, as in the case of an accident that affects the workspace and requires works for its reconstruction.