What Does verse Mean
From Latin versus , verse is the set of words that are subject to cadence (a certain rhythm) and measure (determined by the number of syllables). The verse is the first ordered unit (line) of a poem .
It is possible to distinguish between verse and prose , the form and structure of which are naturally taken by language to express concepts and, therefore, are not subject to cadence and measure. The stories and novels are often written in prose.
The rhythm of a verse is given by the location of the stressed and unstressed syllables and by the formation of rhymes (the repetition of a sequence of phonemes at the end of each verse). The group of verses that form a fixed sequence thanks to their rhythm and rhymes is called a stanza .
With regard to the meter of the verse, we would have to highlight the fact that it has a place from the measure of the verse to the rhyme (type, number, letter ...) passing through a series of very important rules. In the latter case we would have to refer to the sinalefas.
There are several types of verses: acatalectic , adonic , acute , Alexandrian , Asclepiadean , catalectic , dactylic , echoic , leonine , pentameter and many others, which depend on their distinctive characteristics (type of rhyme, number of syllables, etc.). We speak of a minor art verse to refer to one that does not exceed eight syllables, while a free or loose verse is one that does not form with another perfect or imperfect rhyme.
Other important types of verses are the following:
De redondilla mayor, is one that has eight syllables.
Of redondilla minor, it is the one that has six syllables.
Hiante. As its name indicates, it is that verse that is identified because there are hiatuses in it.
Flat. In your case, we can establish that this term is defined by the one that ends in a plain word.
Free verse, therefore, strays from meeting rhyme and meter guidelines. In this sense, it is similar to the prose poem or poetic prose . One of the greatest exponents of free verse is the American Walt Whitman ( 1819 - 1892 ).
For some specialists, this author is the true father of both free verse and modern American poetry. Among his most significant works that have become references in the literature of all time, we could highlight his poem entitled “Oh, Captain! My captain!". This was done in homage to the president of the United States Abraham Lincoln, after he was assassinated while attending a representation at Ford's Theater, in the city of Washington.
John Wilkes Booth, a member of the Confederate cause, was in charge of planning and committing this crime.
Likewise, we cannot ignore the existence of what is called verse company. This is a term that is used to refer to those companies that exist in theaters and that are specialized in what would be the declamation.
It should be noted that, in Argentina , the concept of verse is also used to name something that is false or that turns out to be a lie . For example: “The supposed international experience of this model is a verse: she never worked outside her province” , “To say that the coach will resign in the next few hours is nothing more than a verse” .