What Does value Mean
The value is a quality that gives things, events or people one estimate , either positive or negative . The axiología is the branch of philosophy that is responsible for the study of the nature and essence of the value.
For objective idealism , value is found outside of persons; for subjective idealism , on the other hand, value is found in consciousness (that is, in the subjectivity of the subjects who make use of value). For the philosophical current of materialism , the nature of value resides in the ability of the human being to value the world objectively.
Responsibility is considered a value.
Courage as a moral quality
In another sense, values are moral characteristics inherent to the person, such as humility , responsibility , piety, and solidarity . In ancient Greece, the concept of value was treated as something general and without divisions, but from the specialization of studies, different types of values have emerged and have been related to different disciplines and sciences .
Values are also a set of examples that society proposes in social relationships. For this reason, it is said that someone "has values" when they establish respectful relationships with others. It could be said that values are beliefs of higher rank, shared by a culture and that arise from social consensus .
The theory of values implies the existence of a scale , which goes from the positive to the negative. The beauty , the useful , the good and the just are aspects considered valuable by society.
Equivalence between abstract entities
In the scientific field, where we find different areas, the concept of value is used in a generally exact way to refer to the equivalence of two abstract things. The simplest example is quantity , which we apply to material objects to count them and then we assign a number, a value, to store this information in our brain and be able to transmit it to another person without taking the objects.
Numerical values are important in many areas.
Thanks to the use of numerical values, therefore, the human being is able to abstract various situations and share them with others through communication. If we tell a friend that "yesterday we saw three lizards in the garden," he will associate this numerical value ("three") with the quantity and will be able to imagine the painting even though it was not present.
We must remember, however, that all our discoveries and inventions are arbitrary and not absolute. This means that another species could create completely different sciences, theory and methods of understanding life that are not at all like ours, and they could be much better. That is why the exact sciences are so difficult for most people to understand, because they are not natural nor have they been dictated by a divine entity, but arose from the reasoning of a number of people throughout history.
Computer science and the value of a variable
In computer programming, values are everything we assign to variables: among other possibilities, they are numbers, text strings, "true" or "false." A variable is a space in memory in which a type of data defined by the user can be stored, within the possibilities offered by the language; within the numeric ones, for example, there can be of type byte , integer, floating point and double, each one with a greater range than the previous one (the last two, on the other hand, accept decimal numbers).
Assigning a value of the wrong type to a variable can cause different problems, before and during execution. To a large extent, this depends on the degree of control exercised by the program used to write the code: if you miss these errors, the execution will be unpredictable.