What Does types Mean
The word types comes from the Latin typus and is a term that refers to a classification, discrimination or differentiation of various aspects that are part of a whole. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , we speak of type to refer to a specific model or pattern that allows an exhaustive study of a question. The term also refers to that which represents something or the example that characterizes a thing.
In the field of biology , a type species is one that allows establishing a definition of a group of a higher rank according to its taxonomy, such as a genus or a family . This type species is used to describe the group whose members exhibit certain similar characteristics and makes it possible to distinguish them from specimens of different species.
At the level of calligraphy, a typeface is a grouping of letters that have been designed according to a shared stylistic unit . Erroneously, the notion of source is often used as a synonym for the previous concept, while in reality it represents a member of a certain type.
The interest rate , on the other hand, is the index that is used to calculate the profitability that a saving will offer or the cost that a loan will have. It is a percentage that allows you to know how much money will be won or paid in a certain time space according to the amount that was invested or requested.
As you can see, the uses of the term are varied and uncountable; In all areas, it can be used to achieve a specific classification of something. It should be noted that the notion of type is used to refer to a man or an individual, sometimes in a derogatory sense.
Types of words
Words can be divided into several types, taking into account a specific aspect for each classification , according to their:
* Morphology : Words can be variable (those that are flexible, such as adjectives or nouns) or invariable (they do not admit any type of inflection, as occurs with adverbs or prepositions);
* Accentuation : Acute or oxytonic words are contemplated (which are accentuated in the last syllable, regardless of the presence of an orthographic accent or accent, eg: sing), grave or paroxitones (the accent is carried by the penultimate syllable, eg: tree) , esdrújulas or proparoxítonas (the accented syllable is the antepenultimate, ex: lightning) or sobredrújulas also known as superproparoxítonas (the accent is located in the syllable that precedes the antepenultimate, ex: tell me);
* Function : According to the role they have in the sentence (nouns, adjectives, articles, prepositions, verbs and adverbs, they are some of the types of words according to the function they occupy in the statement);
* Origin : They are classified thus taking into account the terms from which they come; They can be primitive (ancestral terms that gave rise to others, eg: meat is primitive from carnivore or meat), derived (those terms that are formed from primitive words, eg: carnage derives from meat), simple (words that are formed with a single lexeme or morpheme, eg: he), compound (terms formed from more than one lexeme, eg: travel) and parasynthetic (formed due to composition or derivation, that is, from two terms that are merge or relate, eg: multinational);
* Content : That includes conceptual words (terms that have meaning by themselves, eg: nouns and adjectives) or relationship (they establish connections between two or more words of the statement, eg: articles, prepositions and conjunctions);
* Number of syllables : These can be monosyllables (made up of a single syllable, eg: vil), bisyllables (made up of two syllables, eg: mantel), trisyllables (made up of three syllables, eg: manatí), four-syllables (four syllables) , eg: fan) or pentasyllables (made up of five syllables, eg: incomprehensible).