What is trident?

What Does trident Mean

In Latin it is where the etymological origin of the term trident that we are going to analyze is found. Specifically, it comes from “tridens”, which is the result of the sum of two differentiated parts such as these:

-The prefix “tri-”, which is equivalent to “three”.

-The noun “dens”, which is synonymous with “tooth”.

Trident is a term that refers to that which has three teeth or points . The concept can be used with different meanings according to the context.
The scepter of the Roman god Neptune (or Poseidon , in Greek mythology) is a trident: a kind of harpoon that has three points. It is said that when Neptune used his trident to hit the ground, it could cause earthquakes, generate tsunamis and cause ships to sink.

In many representations, Satan uses a trident. Just as it is represented in red, with horns and mustaches, the trident is usually included as a characteristic accessory of the devil.
The fisga , on the other hand, is a trident that was used in fishing . To catch the fish, the scallop was thrown into the water like a spear or it was propelled with force to nail the animal and be able to extract it.
Similarly, tridents were also weapons used by ancient peoples. Certain Roman tribes caught their enemies with a net and then finished them off by nailing them with the trident.
Logo Maserati and the central emblem of the flag of Barbados , on the other hand, are tridents.
Finally, in the field of football , it is often referred to as an offensive trident when a team has an alignment with three forwards . The usual thing is that one attacker plays for each end and the third, in the center of the field.
In the Spanish soccer league, it should be emphasized that at all times it is committed to comparing the “tridents” of the two soccer teams that are considered the most important. We are referring to FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. In the first case, the culé trident, popularly called MSN, is made up of Messi, Suárez and Neymar. Meanwhile, the second trident, known as the BBC, is made up of Benzema, Bale and Cristiano Ronaldo.
The latest statistics presented on both teams, in November 2016, establish that so far this season the winning trident would be that of FC Barcelona with a total of 33 goals (11 Luis Suárez, 16 Messi and 6 Neymar) and 20 assists, which means an average of 2.36 goals per game.
The merengue trident, meanwhile, has a total of 8 assists and 1.46 goals per game to date after scoring a total of 18 goals: 4 goals by Benzema, 7 goals by Cristiano Ronaldo and 7 goals by Bale.

In the previous season, 2015-2016 also won the trident culé with 2.60 goals and 1.33 assists per game against the white who achieved 2.58 goals and 0.89 assists also per game.
The Argentine national team, for example, played several times with an offensive trident made up of Lionel Messi , Sergio “Kun” Agüero and Gonzalo Higuaín .

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