What is triceps?

What Does triceps Mean

It is called triceps to the muscle that you have three different sectors . A muscle, for its part, is an organ made up of fibers capable of contracting.

The anatomy recognizes different triceps in the human body. The triceps suralis is located in the leg, where the soleus and calves meet. In this triceps, which is linked to the foot through the calcaneal tendon, it is possible to distinguish between the head that arises in its deep portion due to the influence of the soleus and the two heads that are emitted in its superficial portion by the gastrocnemius muscles (gastrocnemius muscles).
The sural triceps, with its contraction, contributes to the performance of various movements in jumping and displacement. When the Achilles tendon ruptures, a separation is generated between the triceps and the calcaneal tendon that requires rehabilitation to regain normal function.

The triceps brachii , on the other hand, is found in the arm. Its three portions are two vast (internal and external) and one extensive portion, all located in the rear region of the arm. Thanks to the triceps brachii, it is possible to extend the forearm.
In the spine, is the spinal triceps . This muscle prevents the spine from moving forward.
It should be noted that, through various physical exercises , it is possible to develop and strengthen the triceps. In the case of the triceps brachii, exercises performed with dumbbells (also called weights ) are very popular. It is important to note that, to avoid muscle damage, routines should be suggested and supervised by a professional.
Here are some of the dumbbell exercises for triceps:
* two-arm extensions : stand up and hold a dumbbell with both hands, behind the head, as if we had taken it from a shelf in front of us and we had brought it backwards (the arms should form an angle of 90 degrees). Raise the weight, bending your elbows until your arms are almost fully extended upward, and then pause briefly before beginning to lower yourself down again. It is important that the upper part of each arm (the one that is closest to the shoulder) remains firm throughout the entire exercise;
* One-arm extensions : this triceps exercise is very similar to the previous one, with the main difference that it requires the use of only one arm. On the other hand, in this case it is necessary to alternate between both arms, to rest one while the other exercises. The one who remains inactive must hang to the side of the body ;

* Seated extensions : sit and hold a dumbbell with both hands, behind the head, as indicated for the “two-arm extensions” exercise. The procedure is also the same. In this case, it is important to sit with the trunk perpendicular to the bench, and not to change the position drastically in the middle of each session;
* Donkey Kick : Despite what the title might suggest, this triceps exercise requires no leg movement. The first step is to support the knee and the hand on the side that we will not exercise on a bench, so that we are inclined downwards. The other leg should be extended and resting on the ground. With respect to the other arm, the upper part must be parallel to the body, and with the hand we must hold a dumbbell. The procedure consists of extending this arm backwards and returning it to its flexed position slowly, after a short rest;
* bench press : for this triceps exercise it is necessary to lie down on a bench and hold a dumbbell with each hand. The arms should be bent so that the dumbbells are just above the chest and the elbows are at the level of the back (the palms of the hands should face the center of the body). The goal is to extend the arms almost fully and then return to the starting position.

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