What Does treatment Mean
Before proceeding to analyze in depth the term deal that concerns us now, it is interesting that we know its etymological origin. In this sense, we have to state that it emanates from the Latin verb tractare , which can be translated as "drag or pull."
Deal is the action and effect of dealing (managing a business , relating to an individual, proceeding with a person by word or deed, conferring a matter). The term can be used as a synonym for treaty , agreement , pact or contract .
The deal, therefore, is the conclusion on a matter or matter , once it has been conferred and discussed on the subject. This conclusion may appear in a document or have been defined by word of mouth. For example: “I just made a deal with Miguel: he lends me his car on weekends and I clean his house every day” , “I am going to travel to Córdoba to establish a preferential treatment with the supplier” , “Juana made a deal with Marcela and they both swore not to disclose the reasons for the fight . "
Another use of the concept of treatment is linked to treatment as the courtesy title that is granted to a person: "Whenever you address the judge, you must do so with the honorable treatment" , "Your treatment is a sign of respect for the older ones ” .
The treatment also has to do with the way of communicating with a person or with a group of individuals : "The treatment with my colleagues is cordial, although I do not have much confidence with them" , "The truth is that I do not have contact with my neighbors since I am little at home ” .
In this case, we would have to refer to the existence of a widely used expression. We are referring to favorable treatment, with which it is clear that someone has treated another in a special and favorable way for economic, social, family or personal interest, among others.
Thus, for example, at the moment in Spain there is much talk about the alleged favorable treatment that the Infanta Cristina could have when going to testify to the Courts of Palma de Mallorca for a possible tax offense. Thus, many are the institutions, citizens and political parties that consider that the King's daughter should be treated in this case like any other person.
On the other hand, we cannot fail to mention the existence of another series of terms that make use of the word at hand. In this way, we find a treatment house, which refers to that house or establishment that is run by women or men who are engaged in prostitution.
Likewise, there is also what is known as dealing with people. With this expression what is tried to make clear is that a citizen has magnificent social qualities that lead him to have a lot of experience and a multitude of skills for contact with other people.
Treatment, finally, is the occupation or trade of trafficker . This person, on the other hand, is the one who buys goods to resell them.