What is tonema?

What Does tonema Mean

The notion of toneme is used in the field of phonetics to name the inflection that a melodic unit takes after the last accented syllable . It is possible to distinguish between different classes of tonemes according to their characteristics.

It is advisable, before continuing to delve into the concept of tonema, to focus on other terms that contribute to its understanding. We said lines above that a toneme is an inflection : that is, an attenuation or elevation of the voice that allows encoding certain grammatical contents.
The toneme is an inflection that is registered in a melodic unit , which is delimited by the appearance of a discontinuity in the rhythmic or melodic pattern. In this case, it is the melodic unit that develops after the last stressed syllable.

It can be said that the toneme is the intonation that, in relation to a phonic group, acquires the final section of the melodic curve . This melodic curve, given by the specific succession of unstressed and stressed syllables, defines its distinctive feature from the toneme.
The toneme can have a variable amplitude and be descending, ascending or horizontal. According to the Spanish philologist Thomas Navarro Thomas ( 1884 - 1979 ), can differentiate between tonema suspension , the tonema of anticadencia , the tonema of semianticadencia , the tonema cadence and tonema of half cadence , each with its own terminations .
A toneme, in short, is a central element of intonation (the melodic movement that is reflected when pronouncing a statement). It is important to indicate that intonation has an impact on the meaning of the statements and on the transmission of emotions and moods.

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