What Does thermology Mean
The thermology is the branch of physics centered phenomena that intervention recorded temperature or heat . The compositional element thermo- , precisely, refers to temperature or heat , while -logy refers to a science or a study .
Before moving on, it is important to mention that temperature is the physical magnitude that indicates the level of heat , either from the environment or from a body. The Heat , meanwhile, is the energy that is transmitted from one body to another .
Returning to the idea of thermology, it is usually oriented to the analysis of the effects caused by heat . The area of thermology focused on measuring temperature is known as thermometry . On the other hand, thermology can be related to calorimetry : the specialization of physics that examines the measurement of heat.
One of the goals of thermology is to determine how matter reacts at different temperatures . The cells , for example, move more or less depending on the level of heat: this means that, according to the intensity of heat, a body will undergo various reactions at the cellular level.
To develop its inquiries, thermology uses multiple instruments, tools and devices. Among the most important is the thermometer , which allows you to establish what the heat level of an element is.
Thermology enables the development of thermography . This is the name of the graphic record that reflects the heat emitted by a body as infrared radiation . Thermography is widely used in medical and other fields.