What is the difference between osteomalacia and rickets?

In general, there is no difference between osteomalacia and rickets. Both are disorders in which softening and weakening of the bones occur, usually due to a lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to properly absorb calcium and phosphorus, which in turn strengthens the bones. bones. Therefore, when there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, the bones soften and weaken, causing the disorder known as osteomalacia and rickets. Rickets is the term used to describe the disorder when it occurs in children, and osteomalacia is the term used to describe the disorder in adults.

The human body obtains vitamin D through diet and exposure to sunlight. Those who acquire osteomalacia or rickets due to their diet include those who do not have a sufficient intake of dairy products and those who are vegetarians. Also, breastfed babies can sometimes develop rickets because breast milk does not provide enough vitamin D. A lifestyle that involves little or no exposure to sunlight can also cause osteomalacia, or rickets. These people acquire the disorder by staying too indoors or by living in a climate with little sunlight.

Osteomalacia and rickets can also occur as a result of underlying medical conditions that interfere with the body's ability to absorb or process vitamin D. A person with celiac disease, for example, has a small intestine with a damaged lining. This damaged lining cannot absorb vitamin D as efficiently as a healthy lining, causing the body to become deficient in vitamin D. Other medical conditions that can lead to osteomalacia or rickets include cystic fibrosis, kidney or liver problems, and some surgical procedures, such as gastrectomy. Additionally, medications used to treat seizures can also cause the disorder.

Symptoms of osteomalacia and rickets include bone pain and muscle weakness; Examples of bone pain include pain in the legs, lower spine, and pelvis. Rickets can also cause children to exhibit growth retardation as well as skeletal deformities such as bowed legs. Treatment for osteomalacia and rickets consists of taking vitamin D supplements, as well as calcium or phosphorous supplements if necessary; This method of treatment usually corrects the condition. However, underlying conditions also play a role in the treatment of osteomalacia and rickets, and treatment of these conditions is essential to help with vitamin D deficiency. Lastly, braces or surgical procedures can correct some skeletal deformities in children.

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