The standardized value is a statistical measure of how much a distribution varies or deviates from the mean or mean. Another term for the standardized value is the standard deviation. The standardized value is obtained by measuring the distance from the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation of the entire distribution.
The standard deviation is how much a variable, such as the price of a stock, moves above or below the mean value. Financial analysts can calculate the standard deviation of a stock or portfolio over time to measure the risk of an investment. In general, the larger the standard deviation, the greater the risk involved in the investment.
In addition, the standardized value and standard deviation are compared to stated or implied volatility to determine whether the stock or security is accurately priced. The measurement and comparison of standard value over time, or historical value, is used to predict the performance of a specific stock, portfolio, or security in the future. The potential investment value range is based on past performance history and an estimated probability of reaching a certain level.
A stock or bond that has a volatile standardized value may have greater potential gains, but it will also have greater potential for loss. The standard deviation shows how far the value is from the mean, above or below. Values above the average value of a security will generate more profit, while values below the average will show a loss, depending on the price at which the security was purchased.
The amount an investor is willing to pay for a share of a given stock depends as much on current earnings as it does on expectations of earnings or potential growth. Investors, corporate CEOs and equity analysts value stocks using a variety of methods. One such method is relative valuation in which the price or value of a company's shares, as well as earnings, are compared to the shares of other similar companies.
Stock valuations are often expressed as the relationship between the stock price and one of the financial performance indicators. This can include price/earnings, price/sales, price/book value, price/cash flow, or estimated price/growth. Standardized value is important for comparing a company's growth potential with its own historical earnings or for comparing the value of a company's stock to that of a similar company.
In general, valuing stocks is difficult because there is no certainty that a stock will perform as projected. The value of a share of the shares depends on past performance and future expectations. Sometimes, what a target audience, such as investors or analysts, think might happen, becomes a fulfilled prophecy because others will act on expectations.