The relationship between perception and organizational behavior stems from the role that an employee's perception regarding factors in an organization influences the way he or she reacts or performs in the organization. This process of perceiving something is really complicated and is often made up of individual preconceived notions regarding certain factors. As such, it is possible for two people to look at the same object and still perceive it in completely different ways. Sometimes there are certain aspects that lend themselves to a more uniform type of perception than others, even if there will still be some variation as a result of individual characteristics and cognitive processes. To this end, the link between perception and organizational behavior can be seen in the way employees perceive social life in the organization, the formal aspects of the organization, and other factors such as ethical standards in the organization.
One of the ways that organizational perception and behavior are connected is through how the employees who make up the organization view formal factors in the organization, such as corporate goals and their expected roles. Assuming that a parcel delivery company has stated that its main corporate objective is to gain the trust of its customers, based on its promise to deliver packages to their destinations as promised, no matter what, the way employees perceive this objective It will affect how they work to reach the goal. As such, an employee who may have come from a company that makes a statement but means something different may not have the same respect or regard for company goals as one who is used to organizations saying exactly what they mean. . In this sense, the two employees face the same corporate goals, but choose to perceive it in different ways that lead to different reactions to the company's expectations that its employees will meet this goal. The relationship between perception and organizational behavior can be seen in this case due to the fact that the employee who respects the objectives will try to conform as much as possible, while the one who does not will probably not go out of his way. to respect the objective of the company.
Another way in which perception and organizational behavior are linked is in the way employees perceive ethical standards in the company. A company that employs a double standard in the treatment of employees will have different perceptions from different groups, leading to different outcomes. For example, a company that treats minorities or women with less respect than others will be perceived in various ways by them. Employees who are treated well will feel that the company is a good place to work, while those who are treated unfairly will harbor feelings of resentment toward the organization.