What Does thanatology Mean
In order to really know the meaning of the term thanatology that concerns us now, it is important to begin by discovering its etymological origin. In this sense, it must be emphasized that it is a word of Greek origin, since it is the result of the sum of two components of that language, such as the noun "thanatos", which can be translated as "death", and the word " logos ”, which is synonymous with“ study ”or“ discourse ”.
Thanatology is the name given to a discipline linked to the effects that death causes in the body. It is a series of knowledge from medicine and other sciences that analyzes various aspects of death.
Thanatology is generally associated with forensic medicine , the purpose of which is to scientifically demonstrate why a death occurred . For this, the forensic doctor develops various studies on the corpse that allow him to determine the causes of death.
As a general rule, thanatology experts are going to have to work with those who have died from different causes. Specifically, they establish that these can be divided into three: sudden deaths, deaths as a result of a long illness or violent deaths, whether due to an accident, homicide or suicide.
Thanatology is also linked to thanatopraxia : the practices that are carried out on a lifeless body to restore and preserve it . In this case, the specialist applies his knowledge to specify the will of the deceased or the requests of his loved ones.
People who want to work as thanatologists when they go to an educational center to be able to train and obtain the degree that allows them to practice as such must know that there they will not only receive an education at a regulated level but also personal and in values. It will be necessary that, in order to exercise this work in the most professional and humane way, they have empathy, patience, honesty, the ability not to judge others, confidentiality and the ability to listen.
And it is that they are going to deal with people who will have to face the hard situation of having lost their loved ones, so it will be essential to treat them humanely, explain the facts as gently as possible, put themselves in place and understand their reactions ...
The rites related to corpses have changed throughout history . At present, thanatology is present in Western societies for the sanitation and aesthetics of mortal remains with a view to a funeral. Many times the dead person is exposed for hours or days so that their family and friends can say goodbye. Thanatology involves putting makeup on the body to minimize the visual effects of death.
The process commonly known as embalming is also part of the orbit of thanatology. The procedure requires the use of chemicals to prevent rotting of the body . Mao Tse-Tung (who died in 1976 ) and Lenin (who died in 1924 ) are just two of the personalities whose remains have been embalmed.