What Does temperament Mean
The temperament is the character of people. The term comes from the Latin temperamentum and is linked to the way of being and the way of reacting of human beings; therefore, temperament is directly related to interaction with the environment .
It is said that an individual has a lot of temper when his reactions are vehement and intense. For example: “The midfielder showed his temper when, after a terrible kick, he called for the ball to kick the free kick despite being injured” , “Jonás needs more temperament to succeed in the business world” , “Tomás was betrayed his temper and threw the computer to the ground . "
The ability of a human being to adapt to his environment largely depends on his temperament. It is common for a person to face various difficulties and adversities in their daily life: it takes a certain temperament, according to each context, to overcome them. The management of emotions and moods is also linked to temperament.
The nervous system and genes determine the type of temperament, and that is why it is said that it is something natural, regardless of the influences that education and the social environment may have on it. A person with a strong temperament must fight throughout his life to control it in a stressful situation since, otherwise, it can cause serious problems.
Ancient physicians such as Hippocrates ( 460 BC - 370 BC ) and Galen ( 129 - 200 ) already distinguished between four types of temperament: phlegmatic (apathetic or rational people), choleric (with a predominance of impulses), melancholic (close to the anguish and dejection) and sanguine (subjects of variable mood).
Below are the characteristics of each temperament, from the point of view of their representatives:
* They are warm and lively individuals, who try to enjoy every moment;
* are open to stimuli from their environment and are very susceptible to them, which they actively demonstrate;
* They tend to be more intuitive and sentimental than reflective when facing decisions ;
* given their high level of communication, they are considered extroverts;
* their joy and their pursuit of fun are often contagious;
* impulsiveness leads them not to think long before speaking.
* They are calm people, and they enjoy such a degree of emotional balance that they rarely get angry;
* they usually calculate and analyze everything;
* the seriousness, the impassivity and the dominion of the reasoning over the emotions;
* These are individuals of considerable intellectual capacity ;
* Regarding the perception that others have of them, they are very pleasant and little conflictive;
* They are usually cold and take a long time to make a decision;
* They try to avoid problems, which leads them to become very little involved with the events that surround them, with the aim of ensuring happiness and peace.
* they are considered the richest and most complex beings;
* They are usually very analytical, capable, perfectionist and determined people;
* Given their deep sensitivity and close connection with emotions, it is common for them to be predisposed to presenting symptoms of depression;
* understand and appreciate artistic creations more than others;
* They can be introverts, although their sensitivity opens doors to vocational development;
* they are generally pessimistic beings;
* They do not enjoy great emotional stability, which is reflected in strong mood swings and easy irritability;
*They get very upset when others interrupt their moments of concentration on a topic of interest to them;
* They are very much in touch with their romantic side and are intensely involved in relationships.
* son prácticos, trabajadores e independientes a la hora de resolver problemas;
* muestran una gran firmeza y determinación en sus opiniones, las cuales intentan imponer en su entorno;
* son extrovertidos, aunque no tanto como los sanguíneos;
* en lugar de ser estimulados por el medio, lo contagian con su entusiasmo;
* pueden llegar a ser percibidos como seres dominantes y manipuladores;
* muestran mucha tolerancia;
* los mueven sus intereses, sin importarles las tendencias ajenas.