What Does technoscience Mean
The concept of technoscience is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The notion, however, is used to refer to the network formed by science and technology .
Technoscience is associated with the interaction between academia and industry . Scientists and technologists work together with other actors to drive breakthroughs and advance progress .
French philosopher Bruno Latour is often credited with creating the term technoscience. This thinker reflected on the fusion between science and technology, a characteristic of the modern world.
It can be said that technoscience is the set of research, development and innovation (R + D + I) in which technology and science enhance each other to achieve mutual benefits. This type of surgery became frequent from the last decade of the 20th century .
Technoscience, in short, involves going beyond basic research to orient itself to the instrumental use of scientific knowledge in pursuit of advances that are profitable from an economic point of view. That is why one of the characteristics of technoscience is the preponderance of private investment .
The emergence of technoscience has generated important changes in scientific activity. Today there is a tendency to seek practical knowledge that can lead to the creation of patents. Scientists, on the other hand, are often not free to publish their research, but must have permission from government offices or companies that are responsible for subsidizing their work .