What Does technique Mean
The word technique comes from téchne , a word with a Greek root that has been translated into Spanish as “art” or “science” . This notion serves to describe a type of actions governed by rules or a certain protocol that aims to arrive at a specific result , at both scientific and technological , artistic or any other field.
In other words, a technique is a set of regulated procedures and guidelines that is used as a means to a certain end .
Argentine Lionel Messi is a footballer acclaimed for his technique.
What is a technique
The technique assumes that, in similar situations, repeating behaviors or carrying out the same procedure will produce the same effect . Therefore, it is an orderly way of acting that consists of the systematic repetition of certain actions.
Usually, the technique requires the use of very varied tools and knowledge, which can be both physical and intellectual . It should be noted that using techniques is not an exclusive custom of human beings, but different species of animals also use techniques to respond to their survival needs.
Looking for a better quality of life
In this sense, it should be emphasized that the technique can be said to be the result of man's need to be able to carry out the modification of his environment in order to achieve a better and higher quality of life. Thus, it could be established that it is born from your imagination and once established in it, it is carried out to concreteness and practice to achieve the objectives set.
This circumstance that we have exposed about what the birth of the technique is, we can determine that it is based on a fundamental pillar that is the dichotomy or the trial and error binomial. And it is that the different tests that are obtained and the errors that they give rise are those that allow to obtain the appropriate procedure to the needs that they seek to satisfy.
The technique helps an artist to achieve the result he is looking for.
Transfer of technique
Likewise, other fundamental characteristics of the technique are the fact that it is transmitted between people, that it improves both with time and with practice, that each person inevitably prints their own stamp on it, and that it is something typical not only of the humans but also animals. However, certainly in animals these techniques are not so complex.
In man , on the other hand, the technique appears as a resource developed in the face of the need to alter the environment to adapt it to his requirements. It has the particularity of being transmissible , but it is not always carried out in a conscious way or under a reflective profile. A man can learn a technique from others, can transform it or even invent a new technique.
In this sense, we can determine as an example a sentence such as the following: “Messi is a football player that is highly applauded at all times and, in addition to having an undeniable gift and a spectacular scoring nose, he also has an impeccable technique that it surprises everyone ”.
The importance of technology
The technology has technical as objects of study but also deals with evaluating the different uses that can be made of them. The word is made up of two terms of Greek origin, the aforementioned téchne and logos ( "set of knowledge" ).
Technological activity is said to influence the social and economic progress of society , but also to affect the environment .