What is tank?

What Does tank Mean

Tank is a term for naming tanks or armored attack vehicles . The concept comes from the English tank , which was a code name created by the British when, in 1915 , they built the first of these tanks.

The tanks can have wheel drive or by means of the crawler system (modular links that facilitate movement on uneven terrain). Thanks to their armor and the power of their weapons , tanks are used to engage the enemy with direct fire.
In addition to all the above, it should not be overlooked the fact that tanks are also equipped with other systems that make them powerful tools for warfare. Thus, they have smoke grenade launchers, laser-type alerts, radars and radio alerts. All this without forgetting, of course, the periscopes that have become a fundamental instrument for its operation.

The soldiers who are in charge of manning any tank of this type must wear, in a regulatory manner, appropriate clothing for it. Specifically, it is essential that they have a bulletproof vest and helmet to protect their integrity when they have to remove the body from the hatch to carry out a reconnaissance of the terrain.
These vehicles are one of the fundamental factors when it comes to obtaining a military victory. However, mines, military aviation and artillery are in a position to damage tanks.
The use of tanks began in the First World War , when they were used in the framework of trench warfare . Over time, its presence was gaining importance until it became the key to any military outpost.
For example: "The Iraqi insurgency managed to destroy a North American tank and take its crew hostage" , "A Soviet tank destroyed the bridge and left the people incommunicado for eight years" , "Some politicians believe that the solution of the conflicts is in the use of tanks ” .
Tank, in another sense, is a large container or tank that is used to contain liquids or gases : “I have a problem in the water tank” , “I am going to lend you the car, but you have to return it to me with the fuel tank full ” , “ The explosion of a gas tank caused the death of four people ” .
Also, very much in relation to this last meaning, we have to state that in the field of the Navy sector it is common to use the term tank as a synonym for cistern. That is, it is used to refer to a vessel whose clear objective is to carry out what is the transport of fresh water.
However, in other parts of the world, the word in question is used with other meanings. So much so that, for example, in Cuba they also speak of a tank to refer to what a prison is. And all this without forgetting that in nations such as Argentina, Uruguay and El Salvador that is used as a synonym for the gasoline tank that cars and other vehicles with similar characteristics have.

The corpulent or resistant people , finally, also known as tanks: "Beware the front of the opposing team: a tank" .

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