What Does tachymetry Mean
In order to discover the meaning of the term tachymetry, it is necessary that, first of all, we proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, it must be determined that it is a word that derives from Greek, since it is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts such as these:
-The adjective "takhys", which can be translated as fast.
-The noun "metron", which is synonymous with measure.
Tachymetry is the branch of surveying focused on the survey of planes through the tachymeter (a device that allows the measurement of angles and distances).
Tachymetry is considered a method of making measurements quickly but without much precision. It is generally used in those situations in which, due to its characteristics, it is impossible to use a tape measure.
Tachymetry makes it possible to measure horizontal or vertical distances indirectly . From the tachymeter, similar to a theodolite, it is possible to take three readings (a lower thread, a middle thread and a third upper thread) and, taking the value of the vertical angle, arrive at the desired measurement .
According to the system applied, it can distinguish between different types of tachymetry like tachymetry horizontal look , the tangential tachymetry vertical look and tachymetry vertical look .
In addition to the above, we have to establish some more data about these types of underlined tachymetry:
-Inclined tachymetry , which is undertaken in what are lands that have different kinds of irregularities and which basically consists of using the tachymeters to perform inclined visuals.
-Horizontal tachymetry. This is characterized because it can use both tachymeters and levels to undertake what the job is, which will be based on the so-called horizontal visuals. Basically, the data relative to the horizontal angle of the terrain, the height of the instrument and the readings of the threads will be taken by means of the same, either the middle or the ends.
Self- reducing tachymeters , on the other hand, are used to directly measure the distance between two points. For this they appeal to a constant function.
You may find uses tachymetry in various works of civil engineering . Tachymetry can be present, for example, when planning the construction of a road or route . Suppose that you intend to join two cities with a new road: an immense number of lines can be drawn between both points. The choice of the route will be linked to different technical questions that tachymetry can help to solve, at least in relation to certain aspects, through its measurements.
It is no less interesting to know another series of aspects related to tachymetry, among which we can highlight the following:
-Through it, what is obtained are the X, Y and Z coordinates through a single operation.
-There is what is known as tachymeter notebooks, which are those supports in which professionals proceed to record the data they use and those they obtain when undertaking the operation in question.