What Does tachometer Mean
The first step that we are going to take before entering fully into what is the establishment of the meaning of the term tachometer is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it derives from Greek since it is the result of the sum of two components of that language:
-The noun “takhos”, which can be translated as “speed”.
-The word “metron”, which is synonymous with “measure”.
Tachometer is the name of the device that is responsible for measuring the number of revolutions (turns) of an axis . When measuring the number of revolutions, it also measures the speed at which the shaft rotates and, by extension, the speed at which a motor rotates .
Tachometers usually measure revolutions per minute (or, according to its acronym, RPM ). To make your expression easier, they express this unit of frequency multiplied by 1,000 . Thus, the indicator can express numbers from 1 to 8 , for example. If the tachometer needle shows 5 , it means that the engine in question is turning at a speed of 5,000 revolutions per minute . In other words, that engine completes 5,000 laps in one minute .
In addition to all the above, it is interesting to know that the first tachometer was developed, presented and began to be used in the first bars of the 19th century. Specifically, it is established that it was the German Diedrich Uhlhorn who created the first in 1817 and used it to measure the speed of different machinery.
However, after that first, more advanced ones would arrive. A clear example of this is the one that began to be used in 1840 to determine the speed of what were locomotives.
Tachometers were originally mechanical and measured centrifugal force. Currently most tachometers are digital as they are much more accurate.
The tachometer in its common instrument in cars , although not all models include it. In some cases, the device is part of the instrument panel and tells the driver how fast the engine crankshaft turns. In this way, the driver can see what rotational speed could potentially be dangerous for the engine and thus adapt the gear.
Through the tachometer of a car it is possible to know the "effort" to which the engine is being subjected. Therefore, despite not being essential for driving and having less importance than other instruments (such as the speedometer , to name one case), the tachometer can be a useful tool .
In trucks and buses the existence of the tachometer is especially important. Why? Because it is considered that there are some models that can clearly help prevent drivers from spending more hours behind the wheel than are recommended, for the safety of themselves, their travelers and the rest of the people who circulate on the streets. same routes.
Thus, it is established that a great measure to prevent the same person from spending many hours behind the wheel of this type of vehicle is to place a tachometer that works by means of the fingerprint.