What is synthesis?

What Does synthesis Mean

The concept of synthesis has its origin in the Latin synthesis and, it is said, its most remote roots are found in a Greek word. The term refers to the presentation of a whole thanks to the highlighting of its most interesting or outstanding parts .

In other words, it can be said that the synthesis is the conformation of something complete as a result of the elements that have been removed during a previous procedure . A thesis is understood as a judgment or affirmation; its opposite or opposite expression is identified with the name of antithesis. The synthesis is that proposition that manages to gather and combine those previous judgments.
The notion of synthesis is also used in a similar way to abstract , since it can be a compilation of a text or another piece. The synthesis of a literary material, for example, expresses its main ideas. The summary, on the other hand, is the reduced and abbreviated presentation of all the contents : "I have to present a synthesis of my book to the publisher . "

The synthesis chemistry , moreover, is one that is based on a process performed to obtain a compound from other simpler substances. Its objective is to produce new substances from others already known.
Organic synthesis is called the planned development of molecules through chemical reactions . This field of action is common in the manufacture of food, medicines and dyes.
Biosynthesis , meanwhile, is a notion that is used as a synonym for anabolism , the part of metabolism that is responsible for synthesizing complex organic molecules based on simpler ones. This process requires energy .
Protein synthesis
The protein synthesis , finally, is the process of anabolic type that emerges from the formation of proteins; that is to say, of the process by which, starting from the 12 existing amino acids, new proteins are formed. It is carried out in the ribosomes , a macromolecular complex found in the cell cytoplasm.
Synthesis occurs when amino acids move through messenger RNA, the ribonucleic acid that carries the genetic information inscribed and determines in what order these amino acids will join together and manage to form new proteins . Once this synthesis is completed, the RNA is released and can be used again in a new process.
In any case, this synthesis is not so simple; It is made up of a series of phases that, developed in a normal way, allow the normal functioning of the organism in which they are carried out.

Activation of amino acids : In it the amino acids bind to the corresponding RNA and release the enzyme that must act in the following phases;

Translation of amino acids : It is the first phase of the synthesis itself, which in turn is made up of various stages, known as initiation, elongation and completion of protein synthesis ;

Polypeptide chain association: In this last phase, after the synthesis, the related chains are associated and the synthesis process starts again.

Finally, we can clarify that proteins are essential to send information through the cells , transform the structure of certain organic supplements and also to store substances. In the case of synthesis, the activation of certain enzymes (proteins with a biological function) favors metabolic reactions and enables the normal functioning of cellular exchange in a living organism.

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