What Does synergy Mean
Synergy comes from a Greek word that means "cooperation" . The concept is used to name the action of two or more causes that generate an effect greater than that which would be achieved with the sum of the individual effects.
Synergy is usually considered to involve the integration of parts or systems that make up a new object . Therefore, the analysis of this new object differs from the analysis of each of the parts separately.
Two elements that come together and generate synergies offer a result that maximizes the qualities of each of the elements . The concept, for this reason, is very popular in management , marketing and economics , as it highlights the advantages of partner work to achieve objectives.
When the efforts of two or more companies are combined , each with a different specialty but complementing each other, they obtain much greater benefits than possible through individual strategies. For example, websites that offer bulk purchase discounts rely on third-party products and services to attract their customers, and these companies' sales are increasing at a rate that they could not achieve through traditional retail consumption.
There are those who understand synergy as an assessment of differences . The new result is obtained from an understanding between different elements, which can be transferred to society and human life in general.
It is possible to understand the notion from the functioning of everyday objects such as clocks (whose separate components could not indicate the time), letters (which, together, form words) or companies (whose members alone could not carry out tasks large-scale production).
It is known as a synergistic effect to an interaction between drugs or drugs that offers a different result than the one that can be if they are administered independently. One of the most common examples features vitamins E and C; both produce an antioxidant effect if consumed separately, but the advantage of combining them is that they considerably reduce the susceptibility of low-density lipoproteins to oxidation, both in smokers and non-smokers.
It should be mentioned that the effect of combining two drugs is not always much greater than that obtained from taking them separately; it is known as sum synergy when the difference is not considerable and potentiation synergy when it is. It is also possible to appreciate the synergy when linking two antibiotic agents, if they generate an antimicrobial effect that is more important than the combination of their individual actions.
The term synergy is often used in various fields to refer to the advantages of joint efforts over individual ones. In this regard, it is common to be used to construct names of organizations charitable and popular initiatives to address various problems such as joblessness and discrimination.
The union of two or more people to fight for the same cause also produces a synergistic effect, since the richness of the variety offers results that are far from the possibilities of a single being. As there are no two identical individuals, it is very likely that the contributions of each member of a given group are unique, that they enhance the actions of the rest and show them new resources. The synergy seen in a case of this nature differs from the combination of two drugs in that each part learns from the others and becomes more effective.
Sinergia , finally, is the name of a Chilean rock group created in 1992 and of an Argentine digital magazine founded by the writer and editor Sergio Gaut vel Hartman .