What Does syneresis Mean
The Greek word synaireîn , translatable as "take together" , derived in synaíresis , which arrived in late Latin as synaerĕsis . In our language the idea arrived as syneresis .
In the field of metrics , syneresis consists of joining adjacent vowels in the same syllable whose usual pronunciation is carried out in different syllables . It is a resource that is often used to adapt to the number of syllables that are needed in the construction of a verse.
With syneresis, the integration of the vowels of a hiatus in the same syllable is achieved . Take the case of the word "paradise . " If we use the ordinary method to separate the term into syllables, we will obtain the following result: para-ra-í-so (four syllables). By appealing to syneresis, on the other hand, we could generate three syllables: para-raí-so .
Let's look at the case of "archaeologist . " This word esdrújula is separated as follows: ar-que-ó-lo-go . By syneresis, on the contrary, the separation would be done like this: ar-queó-lo-go .
In the field of chemistry , syneresis involves separating the phases that are part of a mixture or a suspension . When curd and whey differ in milk , for example, syneresis has already occurred.
Syneresis can be seen if, in a gel , the liquid is extracted. This causes the gel to lose its homogeneity and become an aggregation of solid elements that are separated and are in the liquid phase.
Syneresis is sometimes an unwanted effect. If you separate the whey from the curd in a yogurt , the released liquid accumulates on top. To avoid this phenomenon, it is common to use gelatin in order to stabilize the compounds and maintain the appearance and characteristics of the product .