What is swag?

What Does swag Mean

Swag is a concept that comes from the Scottish slang (jargon) and was used, in its origins, to name a certain way of walking . Over time , the term came to be used in reference to the way in which a person moves, moves and dresses.

Swag is often associated with the way of walking of artists and followers of hip hop and rap . The concept, in this way, is also linked to a specific clothing and a look that includes tattoos, accessories, etc. By extension, those who follow these precepts are known as swag.
Swags, therefore, can wear baggy or tight-fitting pants , tank tops, shirts, and sports shoes or boots. They also complete their appearance with pendants, bracelets, earrings and a cap.

Puff Daddy , Lil Wayne , Eminem , Ludracis , 50 Cent and Justin Bieber are some of the artists branded as swag. Many of her fans, by imitating her dress and walking style, also adopted the swag. In addition to the clothes , accessories and movements, the swag is completed with an arrogant and even quarrelsome and even violent attitude.
Delving deeper into the personality of an individual who can be qualified in this way, we can say that self- confidence is one of the fundamental points of a swag. It is not about something forced, but about an authentic inner peace that allows you to always be where you want to be, without paying attention to what they will say, without apparent rush .
Said security can also be understood as a very prominent self-esteem, since the swag person presents himself to the world as if he himself were a gift to others, giving them some time to enjoy their originality and their inner brilliance, something that not everyone can achieve. This is not only impossible to imitate, but it does not have an inherent qualitative trait: it is so because swag feels it , and the opinion of others does not matter. It goes without saying, on the other hand, that this attitude awakens negative feelings in a good portion of their environment.
One of the most remarkable characteristics of swag is the relationship they have with their body, which is based on the acceptance of their own beauty as one of the traits of individuality that no one should hide. Unlike people obsessed with their looks and figure, who spend hours getting ready before going out and fear being seen in the wrong lights, a swag is happy to be who and how he is, in his own skin, although not without its aforementioned accessories.

There are a number of tips for adopting the swag style, as magic recipes for becoming a different kind of person in "three simple steps." It goes without saying that it is not possible to transform into someone we are not, but the only case in which advice of this kind can be useful is to guide those who feel the authentic call towards this way of living and moving around the world, but you haven't found the right inspiration yet .
This occurs with all other lifestyles, especially when associated with famous people, since many fans begin to almost unconsciously imitate their idols, and this results in a deformation of the originality very typical of the music industry.
The term swag can also be found as a denomination or name of various elements. SWAG can be the acronym that identifies consumers who usually buy silver ( "silver" ), wine ( "wine" ), art ( "art" ) and gold ( "gold" ). The notion also makes it possible to name a British television program, a novel written by Elmore Leonard, and an album by American guitarist Gilby Clarke .

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