What Does surface Mean
The word surface derives from the Latin superficial . In its most usual use, it refers to a piece of land or the limit of something (that is, the difference between what is a body or an entity and what is not).
For example: "Argentina has a surface area of 2,780,400 km², making it one of the eight largest countries in the world" , "Much of the province's surface has been affected by floods" , "La pelota bounced off the surface of the playing field .
Starting from the first example, we can establish that Russia is the country with the largest surface area in the world since it has just over 17 million square kilometers. He would be followed by others such as Canada, the United States, China, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina.
Likewise, in contrast to all these nations that are in the top ten of the largest that exist in the entire planet, we must emphasize that the Vatican City is the country with the smallest surface of the same because its extension does not exceed what is the square kilometer.
It is also very important to know the different surface measurements that exist and that we use daily to determine it. In this sense, we can establish that indisputably the fundamental unit to measure these areas is the square meter that would be equivalent to the surface area of a square with 1 meter on a side.
However, other measurements can also be used, such as the square kilometer that is equivalent to one million square meters, the square hectometer that is equal to ten thousand square meters or the square decameter that is equivalent to one hundred square meters.
Among the measurements that are used below the fundamental unit are the square decimeter (0.01 square meter), the square centimeter (0.0001 square meter) and the square millimeter (0.000001 square meter).
Starting from all this, we see that to go from one unit to another, the option is to multiply or divide by the unit followed by as many pairs of zeros as there are places between them.
The surface, on the other hand, is the outward appearance of something: "The table has a too rough surface and is uncomfortable when eating" , "I like dresses with a smooth surface" , "The surface of this fruit is rough ' .
For geometry and mathematics , the surface is an extension in which only two dimensions are considered. The surface, in these cases, is classified as a two-dimensional variety .
For physics , the surface is also a quantity that indicates the extension of an object in two dimensions: the length and the width. Its unit in the International System is the square meter (m²) .
A surface of revolution , finally, is that which occurs when flat curve rotates around an axis lying in the same plane. If what rotates is a straight line that is parallel to its axis, it is called a cylindrical surface of revolution . Other surfaces of revolution are the conical surface of revolution , the spherical surface of revolution, and the toroidal surface of revolution .