What Does supernatural Mean
Supernatural is a term that comes from the Latin word supernaturālis . It is an adjective that qualifies that whose characteristics or properties transcend the limits of nature .
In other words, the supernatural escapes natural laws . For example: a human being can walk, run or jump, but can not fly . If a movie features a man who flies, it will be including a supernatural component in its proposal. For a person to fly exceeds the natural capacity of the species.
The supernatural is prevalent in works of fiction, whether in film, literature, or other arts. Any proposal that includes issues such as the dead that revive, people who can run at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, animals that talk or travel in time, to name just a few possibilities, will have supernatural components.
The power of divination , the magic , the conversations with dead and curses are other examples of actions or supernatural activities: there is no scientific proof to support your existence. For some people , however, the paranormal is not the same as the supernatural, since they associate the paranormal with the inexplicable according to current scientific knowledge, but which is immanent in nature.
Other phenomena that are also considered to be supernatural are contacts with the afterlife, demonic possessions, prophecies, and even reincarnation. All these situations that have shaped important films and series such as "Ghost", "The exorcist", "Resurrection", "The prophecy", "Young and witches" ...
In the realm of religion , the faithful believe in supernatural actions known as miracles . For believers, God acts on the natural (physical) world, allowing the supernatural to occur. The Bible indicates, in this sense, that Jesus multiplied a few fishes and loaves to feed thousands of men, something that is not physically possible and that can only be believed on the basis of faith.
There are several examples of miracles that Jesus Christ performed while on earth, thanks to which he gained the trust and admiration of his followers. One of them consisted of restoring sight to a young man who had been born blind; It all began when his disciples asked him who was to blame for the disability of the subject, if it was a sin of his or his parents, after which Jesus replied that the reason for his blindness was that they could appreciate the power of God to through him when he healed him.
As a proper name, " Supernatural " is the title of a television series produced in the United States since 2005, initially broadcast on the WB Television Network . The acceptance of the show considerably exceeded the expectations of its filmmakers, as a result of which they left behind the five-season limit to extend it even beyond double. The story is about two brothers who are dedicated to investigating and solving paranormal and impossible to explain events, generally related to American urban legends , or classic supernatural beings, such as ghosts, lycanthropes and vampires .
However, they are not the only small screen productions that revolve around what the supernatural world is. Thus, for example, we could highlight the series "Charmed", whose protagonists are three sisters (Prue, Phoebe and Piper) who discover, when their grandmother dies, that they are witches, but not just any witches but the most powerful if they keep that union.
What's more, in order to fight those who are trying to destroy good magic, they must not only stick together but also make proper use of the powers they find out: telekinesis, molecular immobilization, and premonition.
The superheroes are, without doubt, the fictional characters that make more use of supernatural powers, among them include a Superman , as is an icon recognized throughout the world precisely because of these characteristics. Thanks to his enormous strength and the acuity of his senses, this idol born on a planet called Krypton is capable of all kinds of feats that would be impossible for a human being.
Superman puede levantar camiones como si se tratara de pequeños modelos a escala, abrirse camino en sitios confinados con los rayos de calor que emiten sus ojos, ver a través de las paredes, congelar a sus enemigos con su aliento helado, volar hasta el espacio exterior o escuchar conversaciones privadas y a distancia con su superoído, entre otras habilidades que han despertado la admiración de millones de personas en todo el mundo por medio de cómics, series de televisión y películas desde su primera publicación, en el año 1938.
No obstante, la lista de superhéroes es realmente amplísima ya que despiertan una gran fascinación entre el gran público. Así, además del citado, otros de los más conocidos son Lobezno, Spiderman, Hulk, el Capitán América, Linterna Verde…Todos estos y muchos más han dado forma a cómics, series y filmes que han copado y siguen copando las listas de ventas e incluso las audiencias en televisión o las taquillas en los cines.
Así, fascina, por ejemplo, el poder sobrenatural de Hulk de convertirse en una auténtica “roca” de color verde con una fuerza increíble.