What Does summer Mean
Summer is the season of the year that occurs between spring and fall . It is the hottest time of the year, with the highest thermal marks. In the northern hemisphere , summer takes place between June, July and August, while in the southern hemisphere , it corresponds to December, January and February. It should be noted that, when the summer season takes place in the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere it is winter (and vice versa).
During the summer period, the days get longer (in relation to the other seasons) and the nights last fewer hours. The solstice (which in the southern hemisphere occurs on December 21 , while in the north it is June 21 ) defines the beginning of summer, which lasts until March 21 (in the southern hemisphere) or on June 21. September (in the northern hemisphere).
Summer is generally associated with vacations and leisure. High temperatures facilitate outdoor life and invite people to enjoy the beach, parks or walks in general. Summer tends to be linked to fun and joy while, on the other hand, winter is related to sadness.
Traveling to the beach to take advantage of the sun and enjoy the sand and the sea is one of the most frequent activities of the summer. Millions of people decide to go to the seaside cities (known as summer destinations) to spend their vacations.
The Canary Islands are a very common destination for tourists from various parts of the world who want to enjoy this time of year, given that the archipelago's temperatures rarely drop below 15 degrees. Life on one of these islands offers a parallel reality in which almost the whole year is summer and strong winds make its beaches ideal for water sports such as surfing and kite diving . However, its climatic characteristics have a price for its ecosystem ; The constant heat, added to the infrequency of rainfall, has an impact on a not very fertile soil and on a typical desert vegetation.
The heat is synonymous with fun for those who live it three months a year, but it can be a condemnation for those who are forced to endure it every day, from January to December, with few exceptions. It is not for nothing that the rest period usually goes hand in hand with high temperatures ; the physical exhaustion is much greater, as well as the need to rest and the reluctance to work. It is enough to document about the most productive cities in the world, where more technological advances are carried out and where life is more orderly and there is a higher percentage of education and less unemployment; The result will surely give places with temperate or cold climates , while in the opposite case, the index of personal neglect and lack of vocation will surely be higher.
The forest fires are one of the biggest problems associated with summer as raze whole forests, turning into trees ash, plants and destroying the habitat of a large number of animals that are forced to find a new home, a world where there are fewer and fewer green regions that have not been taken over by man. In recent years, the number of incidents of this type has grown alarmingly in several countries, especially in very arid areas and where rain is scarce.
Finally, Verano is an Italian town in the province of Bolzano that has less than 1,000 inhabitants.