What Does stubbornness Mean
Stubbornness is the condition of one who is stubborn , an adjective that can be used as a synonym for stubborn or stubborn . For example: “Put stubbornness aside and accept the help I'm offering you” , “Although everyone told her that her project was destined for failure, the girl stubbornly kept insisting” , “We have to keep working on it. line, with conviction and stubbornness ” .
In general, the notion of stubbornness is used with a negative connotation. It is understood that one who is stubborn does not listen to the opinions of others and insists with his ideas despite being shown that he is wrong. Following this reasoning, the individual who shows stubbornness is not able to accept mistakes and does not pay attention to what they are saying.
Suppose a man plans to open a store selling technology products in a small town, making a large investment. His relatives warn him that it is not a good idea since the market potential is small. A friend who works in the technology industry and who knows how the sector works also tells you that the business is not viable. The stubborn man installs the trade anyway. After six months, however, he must close it due to lack of customers and is involved in serious financial problems. His stubbornness, in this case, bankrupted him.
Other times, however, stubbornness is taken as equivalent to determination and conviction . A young man may challenge himself to climb a very high mountain. Although his environment assures him that he will not succeed, the boy decides to train, prepare and move on. He finally reaches the top thanks to his stubbornness.
It is known that one of the most prominent traits of many famous and respected people worldwide is stubbornness. Usually when we have an unusual idea , our environment tries to dissuade us and lead us back to the "safe path"; Both parents and friends, if they have never left their circle of safety, if they have not risked everything for a dream, may fear that we will fall into the void once we reach the horizon, and that is why they recommend that we stay at continue with the routine.
This has happened to great figures in all fields, from art to science, and it was thanks to their unwavering determination that they achieved their dreams and the results they obtained exceeded their expectations . Unlike a capricious or random attitude, stubbornness is usually based on a very clear objective, regardless of its degree of realism or practicality: "I am going to move on because I know I can" , instead of "no, in the end I will not to eat, why not .
We do not all feel the same need to live our own experiences; Most people, in fact, prefer the apparent security that doing the same as their parents and grandparents offers them, albeit with a touch of supposed authenticity that convinces them of having chosen for themselves. When we reach adolescence, it is normal to begin to crudely analyze everything that surrounds us, ideals, beliefs, customs , to finally elaborate our own vision of the world; however, adulthood often leads to a retreat towards the nest, and sooner or later the influence of the elders outweighs the need for freedom.
Well, this does not happen to stubborn beings, who always seem to be in another tune, seeing the world in a very peculiar way . Although neither extreme is advisable, many think that it is preferable to move by instinct than to allow others to control us to avoid the blows of life .