What Does stricto sensu Mean
The Latin phrase stricto sensu , or sensu stricto , refers to the strict sense . To understand the notion, you have to focus on the idea of meaning .
Meaning is understood as the ability of a person to recognize reality and connect with it . Sense is a way of judging or understanding something , or the ability to understand it .
The strict , meanwhile, is what exactly conforms to a norm, a precept, a need, etc. What is understood in a strict sense, in this way, does not allow two interpretations nor does it leave room for subjectivity.
The expression stricto sensu is usually used in the field of law as opposed to lato sensu or sensu lato : that is, in a broad sense. If a term or situation has two interpretations, one of which contains the other, the stricto sensu indicates that the question has to be interpreted according to the most limited or adjusted meaning , leaving aside the one that encompasses the most.
The stricto sensu, in short, implies a strict use of a word. Or, in the specific field of the legal, of a norm , rule or provision.
Take the case of freedom of expression . If we think of freedom of expression stricto sensu, every human being has the right to communicate what they want and in the way they want. Such broad freedom authorizes, for example, to insult and insult. However, there are laws and regulations that establish specific restrictions or that may sanction the eventual effects of the exercise of freedom of expression.