What Does stream Mean
Arroyo , from the Latin arrugia , is a short but almost continuous stream of water . The term is used to also name the channel through which this flow runs or the part of the street where the waters usually run. For example: "Juan went fishing in the stream: I suppose he will return at dusk" , "Marcela was swimming in the stream when the storm broke , " "The drought made the stream disappear . "
It can be said, therefore, that a stream is a stream of water that usually flows continuously . Its low flow differentiates it from a river since the stream can even disappear in the driest seasons of the year.
So much so that many streams have been utilized for the construction of houses a few meters from its course, and people live quietly all year, just having to endure the time of rains and consequent flooding of the road, although in some places the presence of the water does not last more than a few days. Such is the case of Arroyo de Totalán, for example, which is located a few kilometers from the city of Malaga, in the Spanish region of Andalusia; its inhabitants lead a normal life and only have to accept a few days of solitary confinement a year.
Streams can flow into a river , a lake, or the sea . The shallower part of the stream, which can even be crossed on foot, is called a ford , bath , bath or spa .
The common thing is that the streams are not navigable due to their low flow. It is possible, however, to find streams that can be crossed with small boats. In some countries of South America , the notion of stream is used to name true short rivers that are navigable throughout the year.
Tropical streams, as well as streams, have a lower stability than rivers, and their bed can go from being completely dry to presenting a powerful torrent almost 10 meters deep in just a few hours , due to a heavy rain. The smaller ones cannot be seen from the air, since they pass under the treetops of the forests .
Although the stream is not particularly striking, it is a body of water that is home to a significant number of animal species; in rainforests it is usually home to various species of insects, some amphibians and fish. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that it is also a source of water for many terrestrial individuals.
The Colombian city of Barranquilla must face the problems generated by the significant water flows that, during the winter, circulate through its streams. In 1920, HERBARD & COMPANY INC studied the situation and raised with the authorities the need to create a storm sewer system , but the lack of funds meant that Barranquilla was left without protection against the rainy seasons. Almost four decades later another company recommended the channeling of certain streams, which was not carried out either, and today the inhabitants pay the consequences.
Another use of the term is symbolic and is linked to the tributary of any liquid : "The murderer stabbed him with a dagger and a stream of blood began to flow from his entrails" , "The news generated a stream of tears in those present . "
Arroyo is also the name of several localities and a fairly common surname in Latin America : "My grandfather was born in Arroyo, a town in Cantabria" , "Carlos Arroyo is my favorite player on the Puerto Rico basketball team . "