What is stamp?

What Does stamp Mean

From the Latin sigillum , a stamp is a utensil with engraved images that, by printing an ink on a surface, allows to authorize or agree to a documentation or to close a sheet. It is common for the mark , which is also known as a seal, to be made together with one or more signatures.

The seals were created by the ancient populations of Egypt and Mesopotamia . Made of stone, metal or ceramic materials, they made it possible to seal letters and various records.
The invention of the press , with the appearance of movable type , helped the stamp's massification. Over time, some stamps began to include a pad that presents the ink that is used, making it easier to use.

The most common use of stamps is found in state agencies, where the marking of documents is very common. Postal services, on the other hand, use stamps to render stamps (or postage stamps ) useless .
A date stamp is known as one that, with moving parts, allows the date to be modified to mark it on a surface. The numerator stamp , for its part, sequentially modifies the marking and makes sealing easier in the framework of a continuous process .
The quality seal is an approval that is given to a particular product or service, after comparing its characteristics with a series of criteria that are previously defined by pre-established norms. This brand, which can come in different shapes, colors and sizes, often inspires confidence in consumers, as it assures them that their transaction will be satisfactory and legal. It should be mentioned that the process necessary to obtain said certificate is absolutely voluntary, so its absence is not synonymous with lack of ethics and, in an ideal case, it should not be a reason for suspicion.
The term stamp is also used to name the fragment of paper that adheres to some documentations to give them legitimacy and the trademark or company linked to the music or publishing industry ( “The singer signed a contract with a label that is willing to edit his conceptual album ” ).
The supposed fall of the record labels
Record labels have undergone various structural changes in recent years, given the massive acceptance of digital music and the proliferation of piracy to reach a status of a legal activity. Colossal companies that in a not too distant time enjoyed a semi divine power , today are no more important than a YouTube channel for a talented person who wants to promote themselves.

This has its positive side, since it is unfair for a small group of people to decide that a musician does not have the necessary skills to succeed in the industry , when ultimately, their potential audience could reach the tens of millions, in various countries of all the world. Thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet, today it is the public who gives their verdict in the first place, without market knowledge or percentages floating in their minds.
The negative part is that freedom is impossible to achieve in the system to which we belong, since it is based on delegating responsibilities : we allow others to educate our children, to decide what we need to eat, to offer us plans to have fun on weekends. and tell us what we should like.
The decline of the record companies gave rise to the birth of independent labels, which began with great humility and passion, but gradually became more and more important, which attracted more artists and increased the digits of their paychecks. Over time, as people fix their gaze on the distractions of consumerism, the giants rise again.

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