What is social work?

What Does social work Mean

The social work is a profession that seeks to promote the healthy development of human ties and promote social changes that result in greater well - being for people . Social workers, in this way, act on certain factors related to the interactions of individuals with the environment.

It can be said, therefore, that social work is oriented to the relationships that subjects maintain with their environments. The purpose of this profession is that each human being can develop fully: by extension, social work achieves changes in communities.
In many universities in the world, the Social Work degree is available, which is part of the branch of Social and Legal Sciences.

Those who carry out this training and obtain their degree will be able to develop one of the eleven basic functions that these professionals are considered to have:

-Direct care, which is about attending to individuals who are in a situation of risk or social danger.

-Teacher, teaching classes in Social Work training centers.

- Mediation, enabling the parties involved in a conflict to reach a point of agreement.

-Evaluation, to certify the results achieved in certain actions.

-Investigation, to discover a concrete reality.

-Preventive, to avoid situations that may generate problems for individuals or groups.

-Planning. With this function, what is indicated is that you must order and plan the steps to be taken in a given action.

-Social insertion, to ensure that certain individuals or groups can form part of society in a normal way.

-Of supervision, controlling that students who are doing the career of Social Work are working properly to achieve it.

-Managerial. In this case we refer to when it is in charge of being in charge of a specific center or service.

-Coordination, so that different parties involved in the same project work towards the common result they intend to achieve.
These functions can make it possible for a graduate in Social Work to be carrying out their work in women's care services, health centers, day centers for the elderly, reception services, centers for minors ...
The design of strategies to favor the intervention of individuals and groups in public life, training to achieve the autonomy of individuals and the management of economic resources are some of the tasks carried out by social workers.
A social worker, for example, may meet with family members to help them resolve their conflicts through dialogue. Suppose that a married couple with an 8- year-old biological child decides to adopt a 13- year-old boy . As part of the adoption process, the Justice orders that a social worker visit the family home once a week to analyze the coexistence and to help these people overcome various obstacles that may arise.

Social work is also very important in prisons to contribute to the re-socialization of people who are deprived of their liberty for some crime. The purpose, in this case, is for individuals to be able to reintegrate into society effectively once they serve their sentences.

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