What Does sobriety Mean
Sobriedad , from Latin sobriĕtas , is the quality of sober . This adjective refers to a person who is not under the influence of alcohol or to that or that which does not have superfluous adornments and that, therefore, is moderate and temperate .
For example: "The singer will enter with the aim of recovering sobriety, after several months of excesses" , "In a fashion show, the important thing is sobriety since, otherwise, everything becomes a circus" , "I like Jackie's style: she has sobriety and elegance . "
Sobriety, therefore, can be the state of the person who is not drunk. Alcoholism is an addiction that implies the need to consume alcohol since, due to previous excessive consumption, a physical dependence is created.
With the passage of time , the alcoholic begins to increase his tolerance to alcohol and must ingest increasing doses to achieve the desired effect. Periods of sobriety, therefore, become more rare.
Recovery from this disease usually includes hospitalizations and participation in self-help groups , with experts who act as guides for the patient to maintain sobriety.
Sobriety, in another sense, is something that lacks the superfluous or accessory . Black pants can be considered sober, while yellow pants with green and pink stripes, blue patches and fringes on the knees will never be characterized by sobriety.
Within the world of fashion, it is very common that the term sobriety is used. What's more, although many designers opt for more strident creations, sober dresses are generally considered to be much more elegant and allow any woman to appear sophisticated, attractive and suitable for the most special dates.
Within the religious sphere, we would have to say that sobriety is considered one of the most important virtues of the human being. And it is established that it is the one that allows anyone to live with very clear what is necessary and what is superfluous. Moreover, it is said that thanks to this quality and value, an individual who possesses it will not only not waste time on superfluous things but will also use the money in an absolutely correct way and without wasting it on things that are not really important.
In addition to all this, it is established that among the main enemies of the aforementioned sobriety are selfishness, the search for self-pleasure or even the consumer society in which we currently live. And it is that in the latter, there is a tendency to want to accumulate more goods than anyone else, to have the latest technology products, to wear the latest garments or even to indulge in all kinds of whims.
For this reason, it is considered that in order to be sober in the face of all that set of "trends" of the 21st century society, one must bet on having self-control and mastery of emotions.
Finally, sobriety is also associated with the temperate character and the calm with which a person behaves, without fanfare or scandals.