What Does site Mean
Originating in the Latin situs , a site is a place that can be occupied or that can become so for a specific reason or for a specific purpose . To give some examples of use: "Excuse me, but you are sitting in my place" , "There is no room for bullies here" , "Finally, after so much effort, I am in the place where I always wanted to be" .
A site is also a space , area or territory that allows to carry out a particular purpose: "That site is intended for the construction of a barbecue" , "I have to find a place to store my collection of prints" , "Yesterday I collected to a puppy on the street: now I need to find a place where he can stay ” .
Siege is, on the other hand, the act and consequence of besieging (that is, surrounding or cornering someone or something). The so-called state of siege, in this sense, gives its name to an exceptional regime that a government declares on extraordinary occasions. In states of siege , special powers are usually granted to the security forces so that, if reality forces it, they can take repressive measures.
Although it depends on each national legislation, the state of siege generally supposes a suspension of constitutional guarantees. A president can declare a state of siege in situations of social violence, armed conflict or a foreign invasion.
A website is an accumulation of web pages that usually integrate the same Internet domain or subdomain . It is a series of documents (HTML files, Flash animations, images, videos, etc.) that are related to one another.
The importance of business websites
When it comes to founding a company or starting a business, regardless of the sector and investment, it is vitally important to carry out an effective advertising campaign, and the most complete medium that offers the fastest results is, without a doubt, the Internet.
A few years ago, skepticism on this issue was common from people outside technology, who hid behind the fact that their potential customers did not usually surf the Internet, whether for demographic, cultural or age reasons . However, with the massification of smartphones and tablets, as well as the evolution of televisions and the greater portability of the notebook family, today it is rare to meet someone who does not frequent the network.
However, there is a long way to go in promoting small companies and independent entrepreneurs. Good taste is an absolutely relative and circumstantial concept, which can take many forms and change over time. When presenting on the Internet it is also necessary, and not many people understand that the audiovisual language , as well as the functional one, used there is different from that of a magazine or a flyer.
As in all cases, each element of a website must exist for a reason, which will be reached after a careful analysis of the public that will visit it, the type of company, the geographical area in which it is located and the media. inexpensive available for construction .
A very common mistake is looking for an explosion of colors and animations made in Flash. Both decisions are an attack against the success of a site, since the clarity of the message should be the fundamental objective, and the number of tones, moderate, to create an aesthetic according to the type of business. On the other hand, animations are not always well received, given the memory demand required to display them and the endless list of incompatibility conflicts that exist between Adobe products and browsers.
Finally, in an era in which more is browsed on the phone than on the computer, it is essential to build pages that adapt to the resolutions and the smaller screen sizes, eliminating those secondary elements and maintaining the visual impact of the main version.
Other meanings
In Cuba , a site is a ranch of small proportions that is dedicated to the cultivation or raising of domestic animals, while in Mexico , finally, the official or generally recognized taxi ranks are also called a site.