What Does Sinister Mean
The concept of sinister (from the Latin sinister ) has three main uses. On the one hand, it refers to that or that which has a propensity towards the bad or fatal. It is a kind of habit or trend that is malicious . A sinister person , for example, can be evil or perverse : “The sinister general ordered the execution of the four detainees” , “Franco is sinister, he always tries to attack people” .
On the other hand, in the field of law and insurance , a claim is an accident or damage that can be compensated by the insurer. Applied to the insurance contract, the claim is the realization of the covered risk and the birth of the insurer's benefit.
A loss can be a collision between two vehicles. At the time of the accident, insurers have the obligation, provided that the contract stipulates it, to compensate the affected parties.
However, claims also occur within the home environment. In this case, it is a whole series of problems that occur in the home such as broken glass and pipes, floods or fires. Aspects all of them, and many more, that can be solved thanks to the insurance that the owners of that have in charge with the clear objective of protecting their home.
Likewise, claims also occur in commercial businesses and there are also known surety. Two types of claims are those that are also the subject of work by the different insurance companies.
Another use of the notion of sinister refers to the left hand or the place that is to the left of something.
This last meaning of the term allows us to know something more about the etymology of sinister and its derivations. The Latin word sinister means "left" ; as the right is associated with the correct and the just, the left (sinister / o) was linked to the bad, incorrect and negative.
In the same way, and in addition to all the above, it is interesting that we make it known that within the world of anime we find what is known as the sinister type. Specifically, this name refers to Pokémon that are identified by their aggressiveness, cruelty and cunning. Among the characters in this class we could highlight Sixto, Karen or Aza.
Nor can we forget that in the cinematographic field there is a film entitled "Sinister". It was in 2012 when it was released, directed by Scott Derrickson, which brings us closer to the story of a writer named Ellison Oswalt who will carry out the discovery of a series of home videos that will endanger his life and that of his relatives.
Ethan Hawke, Fred Thompson or Juliet Rylance are the actors who lead the cast of this English production.
Finally, it should be noted that Siniestro Total is a Spanish punk rock group founded in 1981 by Julián Hernández and other musicians. The band has released more than ten studio albums.