What is shark?

What Does shark Mean

A shark is a cartilaginous fish that lives in the sea (although some species also swim in fresh water) and that stands out for its qualities as a predator . Because its skeleton is made of cartilage, it is part of the group of chondrichthyans .

Belonging to the superorder of selacimorphs , sharks have a mouth with different rows of teeth. This animal, which is also known as a shark , has gill slits located on the sides of its body .
Some three hundred and seventy-five species of shark belonging to eight different orders have been recognized, with specimens that can exceed ten meters in length . The largest species is called the whale shark .

Shark attacks on people have been detected many times. The bull or Sardinian shark and the tiger shark are the species that register the highest number of attacks against human beings .
A curious case occurs with the white shark . A successful novel written by Peter Benchley that had a film adaptation by Steven Spielberg in 1974 places the white shark as a terrible predator that attacks different people . For this reason, in the popular imagination, it is believed that the white shark usually attacks humans, something that does not happen in reality.
As a classic in the history of cinema and as a reference that is in everyone's cultural heritage. This is how the aforementioned film is considered, starring actors of the stature of Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss or Lorraine Gary, among many others.
The story it tells takes place in a New England town that is about to see its tranquility broken when one of its young neighbors is found dead on the beach. Forensic analysis will determine that she has been killed by a shark. A situation that will make the police chief consider that it is best to close the beaches until the animal can be found. However, the mayor will be against it, he does not want the town not to enter the money that tourists leave in summer and that is why he decides that they remain open. What will happen? That there will be more victims of the shark.
Other data of interest about sharks are the following:

-They have existed for more than 450 million years. Hence it is maintained that they even exist on Earth before the dinosaurs.

-They manage to camouflage themselves perfectly to be able to attack their victims, since they have a darker upper part to go unnoticed in the water closer to the surface and the lower part is whiter to adapt to the clarity of the deeper water.

-Their sense of smell is so developed that it is considered that they are capable of smelling blood from miles away.

Figuratively, it qualifies as "Shark" a ruthless and ambitious individual : "Be careful that in this business there are many sharks would not hesitate to eat just have a chance" , "The magnate usually Russian qualify as a shark finances for their voracity ” .

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