What is servitude?

What Does servitude Mean

The Latin word servitūdo came to Castilian as serfdom . The concept refers to the condition and work of the servant . A servant, on the other hand, is a slave who is under the orders of a lord.

In ancient times, therefore, servitude was understood as a legal and social contract . Thus, in feudal regimes, the serf was subject to the feudal lord and worked for him under conditions similar to those suffered by slaves. The difference is that people in servitude were considered free by law.
The concept, at present, tends to be extended to all precarious and informal labor relations that include the exploitation of the worker. It also allows mentioning the servants who work in a house.

For example: "The countess grew up cared for by the servants of the palace, although she soon wanted to put the luxuries aside and began to fend for herself" , "I am going to file a legal complaint against this company: it cannot have the workers in proper conditions of servitude " , " The clandestine love between the king and a member of the servitude is the axis of the film that will be released next week on the US billboard . "
It is important to note that easement can have a negative connotation or a positive connotation depending on the context. Usually it is associated with submission , something that leaves the servant in an unsatisfactory position. However, in religion , the believer can be qualified as a servant: servitude, in this way, is associated with humility , as a virtue.
In the same way, it should not be overlooked that in other areas the concept of servitude is totally different. Specifically, within the legal field it is also spoken of to refer to a lien that is established on a property for the benefit of another property that belongs to a different owner. Thus, the first will be the servant property and the second will be the dominant property.
In addition, along the same lines, we can also underline the fact that it is possible that this easement benefits and results in the benefit of one or more people. This situation can occur for many different reasons and in different ways. Hence, it is established that there are various types of easement, among which are continuous and discontinuous, property, legal, positive or negative ...
Within what is the governmental and maritime scope, we have to expose the existence of what has been called protection easement. This, which comes to be considered as a legal measure, what it establishes is a form of protection of what is the maritime-terrestrial public domain and for this, what it establishes are marked limitations of the property right in the aforementioned lands on which refers.

In this way, in many cities, taking as a “pillar” what may be the land that is adjacent to the sea shore, limitations are defined based on the distance that exists between one and the other.

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