What is sermon?

What Does sermon Mean

The Latin word sermo came to our language as a sermon. According to the first meaning of the term mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), a sermon is a preaching that a Christian cleric performs to teach something to the faithful.

When a priest delivers a sermon, therefore, he intends to provide a teaching linked to religious doctrine. In ancient times, sermons were shared in Latin although, over time , they began to develop in other languages.
However, the concept of sermon is also used in a colloquial way to refer to the speeches, challenges or recommendations that someone receives when he does not do what is expected of him by an adult or someone who has some kind of authority over him. We could say that it is a scolding or a reprimand.

Some phrases in which we can find the concept can be: "Enough dad, I'm old enough for your sermons", "Now get ready: we will have to listen to the teacher's sermon on why we shouldn't play soccer in the classroom", "The boss lectured me because I was late for the meeting."
The sermon, in this sense, is equated to a challenge and is usually given by an authority (a parent or guardian, a teacher, a boss). Suppose that a teenager instead of entering the school at the beginning of the school decides to stay for a walk or do anything, thus disobeying the rules of his parents. When they discover what you have done, they will probably give you a sermon that revolves around the importance of being responsible and fulfilling the obligations that correspond to us; at the same time, they may stop to warn you about the dangers of being on the street without any known adult knowing where you are.
The Sermon on the Mount
According to Christian tradition , Jesus Christ himself delivered sermons. One of the best known sermons that Jesus delivered is the Sermon on the Mount, also known as the Sermon on the Mount , because it was delivered on the side of a hill on the road to Capernaum. This homily is found in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
Among the teachings that Jesus gave that afternoon to his disciples and to the broad public that gathered to listen to him, the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer stand out.
In the Catholic religion the Sermon on the Mount meets the golden rules of Christian behavior; Everything that is said in that homily could be considered the main disciplines to be followed by those who wish to follow the way of Christ . Even many other religions as the Buddhism , took the fundamentals of this sermon to establish the pillars of their beliefs.

The Beatitudes are a type of literary genre very present in the Bible, with thousands of examples, which is constructed as a congratulatory sentence towards those people who by acting in a certain way are approaching the right path; the end of each beatitude is the promise of something that they will receive in exchange from the hand of God for their faultless conduct.
In the case of the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes consist of a series of teachings on spirituality, humility and compassion for others based on peaceful behavior. Poor, meek, merciful , pure in heart, they are some of those who benefit from the kingdom of heaven and divine providence. This sermon concludes with the Lord's Prayer; a prayer to converse with God from humility and request his forgiveness and divine protection.

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