What Does sense Mean
Sense is a concept with various uses and meanings. It is, on the one hand, the physiological process of reception and recognition of stimuli that occurs through sight , hearing , touch , taste or smell . For example: “Don't worry if you can't cook: my sense of taste is not too sophisticated” , “My sense of sight prevents me from buying such a poorly composed painting” , “An accident caused the famous artist to lose his sense of hearing at five years of age ” .
The sense of balance , on the other hand, refers to the perception that a human being has of his environment and the way in which he keeps his body upright, without allowing the force of gravity to knock him down. It is a skill that we develop during the first months of life and that combines the senses of sight and hearing , although people deprived of any of them can supply them in various ways.
The meaning is linked, on the other hand, to understanding or reason . It may be a particular way of understanding something or the knowledge with which certain actions are carried out: "The president expressed, in that sense, that the decision would be agreed with the opposition" , "You have to read meaningfully to understand the material . "
The reason for being , the full meaning or the purpose is also associated with the meaning: "What you say does not make any sense to me" , "Marta ran away meaningless, since she would never arrive in time " , "The singer committed an attack senseless against someone who just wanted to say hello ” .
Our history as a species shows us time and again that the truth of one era may be the absurdity of the next, and vice versa. The millions of pages of the tens of thousands of books that collect a considerable part of the experience of the human being on this planet show us how wrong it can be to underestimate an idea, as well as make it immovable. Despite this almost obligatory wisdom, which we inherit from generation to generation, it is very difficult for us to accept that which exceeds the limits of our reasoning .
If people like Christopher Columbus or Thomas Alva Edison had ceased their efforts every time they received a "this does not make sense" in response, then who knows what our life would be like? If we all thought in the same way, if we reached the same conclusions, if we never gave room to supposedly wild ideas, then there would be very few possibilities, and they would all lead us to the same point: extinction.
Regarding unconventional ideas, lateral thinking is a method that proposes getting out of the structures that define our reasoning to find the solution to a problem. It is a technique widely used in creative fields, such as advertising, and there are those who claim to be able to adopt it through training.
The different meanings of the terms ( "This word has different meanings depending on the context" ), that or that which expresses a feeling ( "In a tribute sense, his companions dismissed the coffin with applause" ) and the orientation in space ( " You have to keep walking in this direction to get to the beach ” ) are other issues that can be mentioned through this concept.
The concepts of meaning and direction are often confused . However, they are two very different things: the direction is a line that can be traversed by points; To understand the meaning of meaning, it is necessary to place two points on that line (which can be A and B) and think that a third (C) is about to go from one to the other. The two possible directions in this case are from A to B and from B to A, while the direction is always the same.