What Does semoviente Mean
The Latin expression se movens , which can be translated as “that moves by itself” , is the closest etymological antecedent of the term semoviente . This adjective is used, especially at the legal level, to qualify the being or the device that is capable of moving on its own .
In the cattle it can be mentioned as chattel. A livestock asset , in fact, is a component or a portion of an individual's assets that has the ability to move on its own.
That is why the idea of semoviente is often used to name animals within the framework of an economic activity. Thus, by extension, livestock and pack animals are livestock.
Dogs are sometimes also considered livestock assets. When the dog develops some type of professional activity, being an assistance dog, a rescue dog or a police dog, to name a few possibilities, a specific economic value can be attributed to it for its work. In this way, the dog is part of the patrimony of a subject of law, constituting itself as a livestock asset.
Although the regulation varies according to each region, in general the idea of livestock appears in the field of law to categorize goods that are neither real estate nor movable .
One cannot fail to mention that, in some legal frameworks, livestock assets make up the set of movable assets. The fact define animals as things that may be appropriate and usufruct is cause for criticism for animal rights activists.