What is semolina?

What Does semolina Mean

The Latin word Simila reached Italian as semolina and our language as semolina , accented in E . It is the name given to a kind of wheat flour or other cereals that is used to make different foods.

To obtain semolina, the endosperm of wheat, oats, rye or rice is usually ground , to name a few possibilities. The result is a product that has a high amount of gluten , except in the case of rice semolina (which may contain gluten but from contamination with other semolina).
Semolina, on the other hand, has a high level of carbohydrates and proteins , constituting a healthy food whose inclusion in the diet is usually recommended by nutritionists.

Other data of great interest about semolina that are worth taking into consideration and that come to demonstrate the importance of this product both at a gastronomic and health level are the following:

-It is very rich in vitamin K and has no cholesterol. For this last reason, it is established that its consumption is highly suitable for people who have high levels of cholesterol, which seriously endangers both blood circulation and the state of your heart.

-It is established that it is also a very appropriate food for individuals who find themselves with problems of excessive uric acid. By ingesting semolina what they achieve is to lower it and thus, among other things, to be able to face what are diseases and ailments such as the painful gout.

-In the same way, the fact that it has low sodium levels contributes to its intake being highly recommended for those with hypertension.

-In addition to the nuanced benefits, nutrition professionals and doctors recognize that semolina is a very appropriate food to improve the metabolism of the bones and also to achieve a correct coagulation of the blood .

-There are many recipes that exist around the world and that have semolina as a basic ingredient. Specifically, among them are the muffins, the semolina soup with milk, the semolina salad and crab sticks ...
With semolina it is possible to make different types of pasta , from noodles to gnocchi through lasagna and ravioli. In reality, semolina makes it possible to prepare many types of dough , including those used for the production of pasta.
Another dish that is made with semolina is couscous , typical of North Africa. Although there are multiple varieties, it is common for semolina to be steamed, placing it on a stew while it is cooking. Then the stew is served accompanied by couscous.
In French gastronomy, a popular dish that has semolina is quenelle . For its preparation, the semolina is mixed with milk, eggs and lard (butter) and then processed meat is added, which can be chicken , beef or fish. Quenelles can be fried, boiled in a broth, or stewed.

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