What Does secular Mean
Secular is a term that comes from the Latin word seculāris . The first meaning of the concept mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) associates it with the secular adjective : that which is linked to the state or the habits of the century or that lacks clerical orders.
It should be noted that the idea of the century can be associated with civil life , as opposed to the religious context . That is why it is said that a religious is secular when he does not reside in cloister.
By extension, it is common for the secular to be opposed to the religious . A man who decides to leave the priesthood will move from the level of religiosity to leading a secular existence. In this way, the person in question will no longer be bound by the rules of the priesthood: he will not have the obligation to respect celibacy, he will be able to marry, etc.
Secularization is often used to refer to the loss of power of the Catholic Church or another religious institution in a state or nation. The independence of a government from ecclesiastical power is a reflection of its secularization: decisions are not made by bishops or other religious authorities, but by the rulers who direct civil society.
In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as secular music. The same, which is always presented in contrast to sacred music, it is established that it is the one that is composed to be sung and interpreted outside of religious settings. Taking this characteristic into account, we find that many genres can be classified as secular music, such as chamber music, military music, zarzuela, opera, tango ...
It is considered not only that the difference between these two types of music was established in the High Middle Ages, specifically in the 9th century, but also that the secular was shaped to oppose Gregorian chants, for example, and to amuse to the people in the romances carried out by the minstrels.
It is called secular ethical values that they are based on reason, logic and other own faculties of the human being as opposed to the values derived from the revelations and commands of a deity.
There is also talk of secular religion with reference to those doctrines that lack spiritual elements but that present characteristics similar to those of religions .
Historically it is necessary to establish the existence of what was called Secular Games. They took place in Ancient Rome and were religious celebrations, lasting three days and three nights, in which not only theater performances took place but also sacrifices in honor of the gods. The sacrifices were carried out with animals such as pigs, lambs, goats or bulls. And, in addition, special cakes such as "libum" are also prepared.
The Palatine Hill or the Capitoline Hill were some of the spaces that served as scenarios for these aforementioned games that were stopped when they were established by Emperor Constantine I.