What Does rotor Mean
It is called rotor to the component that, in a turbine or other machine, rotates . The concept is also used to specifically name the system that allows the lift of a helicopter .
For electrical machines, the rotor is the counterpart of the stator : both elements are essential to transmit power . The rotor has a shaft associated with coils, linked to a rotating core.
In automobiles , the rotor is part of the distributor that allows the passage of high-voltage current which, in turn, comes from the ignition coil. The current is transformed into a spark that, when it reaches the electrode of the spark plug, generates the combustion of the mixture that is located inside the cylinder.
The helicopters , on the other hand, have several rotors. The main rotor is located in the upper area of the aircraft, while the vehicle also has a tail rotor . The rotors have blades or blades, with their movement, give the force of thrust and lift to the helicopter.
The notion of rotor also appears in the field of mathematics , more specifically in vector calculus , the field of vector analysis in a minimum of two dimensions that offers techniques widely used by physics and engineering. The rotor or rotational is the vector type operator that reveals the tendency of a vector field to produce rotation around a certain point. The concept is used in a mathematical sense as the limit that exists in the circulation of the vector field, reached when the curve on which it is integrated is reduced to a single point.
Rotor syndrome
In medicine, a rare disease called precisely Rotor syndrome is recognized , which is inherited in an autosomal and recessive way; it can be considered benign and its etiology is not known with certainty (the study that seeks to find the cause of a disease, and also the set of these causes). Regarding the name, it refers to the surname of the doctor Arturo Belleza Rotor, a native of the Philippines.
Rotor syndrome shares several elements with Dubin-Johnson syndrome , except for the pigmentation of liver cells , a phenomenon that does not occur in the former. Among the most characteristic symptoms of this syndrome can be highlighted jaundice , a change in the color of the mucous membranes and the skin towards a yellowish tone, due to an increase in the bilirubin accumulated in the tissues and the failure in its storage and processing, especially of those with more elastic fibers. Jaundice usually occurs without itching.
The blood of patients with this syndrome usually has high concentrations of bilirubin , especially of the conjugated part, which leads to a case of hyperbilirubinemia , an increase in bilirubin values in the blood, which leads to jaundice if it exceeds 2 mg / dL (milligrams per deciliter). In this case, the intensity of hyperbilirubinemia does not reach 10 mg / dL , and its normal values are around 4.5 mg / dL .
As mentioned above, Rotor syndrome is rare, and this also affects its detection: it is very common for it to appear unexpectedly as a result of investigation of other disorders. Furthermore, the associated clinical data are very unspecific. Since it is a benign disorder, it does not usually lead to treatment, although there are certain recommendations for those affected, such as avoiding the consumption of hepatotoxic drugs and alcohol. The prognosis , in short, is very good, since this disease does not lead to problems such as liver failure or cirrhosis, unless there are other underlying problems.