What is respiratory tract?

What Does respiratory tract Mean

A road is a conduit, a path, an access or a road. Respiratory , for its part, makes mention of what is linked to respiration : the process that allows you to inhale air to store some of its elements and then expel it, already modified.

It is known as airway to the cluster of organs that enable breathing . The concept, in this way, is equivalent to the notions of respiratory system and respiratory apparatus .
The airways are made up of the nasal passages , pharynx , larynx , trachea , bronchi, and bronchioles , which bring inhaled air to the alveoli and lungs . Different structures are also involved in breathing, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles .

The upper part of the airways is known as the airways . It is possible to differentiate between the upper airways (from the nostrils to the larynx) and the lower airways (from the trachea to the bronchioles).
The obstruction of the airways prevents the person from breathing: therefore, this obstruction causes death when it is maintained for a certain time . On the other hand, the respiratory tract can cause harmful substances to enter the body; therefore, in certain areas, it is necessary to protect them with masks and filters.
Among the diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract, one of the most common is colds or colds , which involves inflammation of the nasal passages. The flu , on the other hand, is an infection caused by a virus that affects the respiratory tract.
On the other hand, there is obstruction of the upper airways , a problem that occurs when they become blocked or narrower than normal, so that the person cannot breathe easily. The parts of the upper tract that are usually affected by this disorder are the larynx, pharynx, or trachea.
With regard to the causes of obstruction, the possibilities are many, as can be seen below:
* an allergic reaction in which the throat or windpipe swells to the point of closing, something that can happen after taking certain antibiotics (such as penicillin), peanuts, or some blood pressure medication (such as ACE inhibitors) , but also as a result of a bee sting;

* burns and reactions from having come into contact with a chemical product. In this case, symptoms such as abdominal pain , dizziness, seizures and itching may appear;
* infection in the epiglottis (the superficial tissue of the trachea) known as epiglottitis ;
* smoke inhalation, with or without burns;
* Presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory system after accidental inhalation. This can include small toy parts, buttons, hard and hard to break food fragments, or even coins.
As with the causes of airway obstruction, symptoms also comprise a long list, including: restlessness and agitation; bluish-colored skin (known as cyanosis ); alterations in the state of consciousness (decreased consciousness); confusion; suffocation; panic and gasping at the difficulty to inhale; fainting; different noises in breathing, such as hissing or wheezing.
In a case like this, doctors usually indicate a physical examination that may include a langiroscopy, a bronchoscopy and X-rays, although not all consider them necessary. As is to be expected, the treatment depends on the cause of the disorder , since, as we have seen, they can vary greatly from each other; While objects that have become stuck can be removed through various interventions that leave no trace, cases originating from infections and inflammations may require more "violent" procedures, such as a tracheostomy.

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